Question for those who mist hair w/distilled water


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I've been reading some older threads on misting hair with distilled water. I plan on trying this method but have a couple of questions.
For those who do this, how often do you mist? Do you mist your hair at night before wrapping or curling it or in the morning when combing and styling it? Also is there a difference in the results when misting with using oils and distilled water and just misting with distilled water?

Hi Lexi

I mist my hair morning and evening, but I wear protective styles - I just mist, pin-up and go. I use a mixture of distilled water and a world of curls moisturizer. HTH
I've started misting my hair daily with a mixture of Kemi-Oyl and distilled water. It works nicely.

Do you mist your hair at night before sleeping or in the morning when you are combing/styling your hair?

I think I have some Kemi-Oyl....I just might try that.....
I mist my hair morning, noon and night. I usually wash/rinse my hair daily, but after I get out of the shower, I mist my hair and let it dry. Then through-out the day I mist my hair if it feels dry. (I keep a bottle at work.) And I mist every night before going to bed. Works nicely.
I mist throughtout the day when I wear my hair back. I also have been misting it until it is soak and wet instead of rinsing daily(every other rinse) at night.