Question for the Self Relaxer Pros


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I have been studying and reading all of the threads of self relaxing. 2009 my plan is to become a self relaxer. My question is are you rinsing in the shower after applying your relaxer or do you rinse bending over the sink. I always wash my hair in the shower leaning back, so the thought leaning over to rinse just does not excite me. I guess I'm wondering if I rinse the relaxer off in the shower will harm my skin. I guess I could put on a plastic cape to avoid some run off, but my feet are still in water. My plan is to relax in the next couple of weeks.
I do everything in the shower. I don't want to put my hair over my head because of tangling. I've never suffered any harm from the relaxer touching my skin. I sort of arch my back so that I'm not rinsing directly onto my back.
Janee, I've been self-relaxing for a year now, and I use a high-pressure, hand-held sprayer that attaches to the shower head (from the pet store), and I lie backwards across the seat of a chair with my head over the side of the bath tub (like a shampoo bowl). I use a plastic shampoo cape, and it works like a charm.

Remember to use a couple of acv rinses during the neutralization process. HTH :grin:
I do mine in the sink. The thought of shed hairs traveling down my back and getting caught in my crack...not a good look.
LOL. That happens to me. I always wash my entire body after.

I do mine in the shower. It more comfortable and I have a hand held shower head so it rinses out clean. If you dont have one, they are easy to install. I have never had a problem with it running down my skin. If you worry, wash your body with neutralizing shampoo after. It takes practice but you'll be fine. I dont relax completely straight so I apply alot of different stuff after a relaxer (Porosity control, DC with Keraphix and 2-min, wash with 2 or 3 different shampoos---I know alot) to get my hair to revert a lil if its too straight for me so the shower is very convenient and less strain in bending my back.

I do mine in the sink. The thought of shed hairs traveling down my back and getting caught in my crack...not a good look.
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I had been rinsing it out in the sink for a while... then my hair got caught in the drain while I was rinsing. I had to pull my hair out just to prevent from drowning. Then, I had to cut my hair to get it even. It was not an experience I would want someone else to go through. I am going to relax my hair tomorrow and rinse it out in the shower.
Sounds good ladies! I was really concerned about my hair getting tangled. I do have a hand held shower but I may invest in one with more pressure, especially since we are in the process of remodeling the bathroom. These are some beautiful heads of self relaxed hair. Thanks for your quick responses. Any other advice.
Janee, I've been self-relaxing for a year now, and I use a high-pressure, hand-held sprayer that attaches to the shower head (from the pet store), and I lie backwards across the seat of a chair with my head over the side of the bath tub (like a shampoo bowl). I use a plastic shampoo cape, and it works like a charm.

Remember to use a couple of acv rinses during the neutralization process. HTH :grin:

What's this for and what affect does it have during the relaxer process.
I am a self relaxer too. :yep: I relax in halfs. I relax the front half and rinse in the sink. Then I relax the back half and rinse in the shower. I have never had any harmful effects from rinsing in the shower.
I had been rinsing it out in the sink for a while... then my hair got caught in the drain while I was rinsing. I had to pull my hair out just to prevent from drowning. Then, I had to cut my hair to get it even. It was not an experience I would want someone else to go through. I am going to relax my hair tomorrow and rinse it out in the shower.

OoOoo sorry to hear that! The whole "hair caught in the drain" thing happened to me one time too. Scary when you're home alone! Luckily i didn't have to cut it or damage it to get it out of there!

I can't say i'm a relaxer pro, but I've mostly done the washing in the shower, for the above mentioned reason and there is less strain on the neck and back. :grin: I think i'd do it in the sink if I had one of those hand-held thingies!
I am a self relaxer too. :yep: I relax in halfs. I relax the front half and rinse in the sink. Then I relax the back half and rinse in the shower. I have never had any harmful effects from rinsing in the shower.

I plan to relax for 15-18 in min in quads. Basically the way the stylist does. I'm going to start applying in the back first and then move to the front. You have beautiful hair!
I rinse bending over the bathtub. The bathtub faucet has the most pressure (to me). I relax in halves, starting with the front. To rinse I bend over the bathtub and rinse/neutralize the front, and then do the same thing with the back.
simplycee, Your hair is beautiful. NOw with all that pretty hair, I know I can touch up my own. I read one of your albums and you stated your hairdresser was on vacation, so you touched up your own. Have you gone back to stylist? What hair base and I noticed you used Mizani with lye, which my hair loves what strength and neuturalizer do you use. Please advise. Thanks. Simone
I rinse in the shower. I have never had a problem with the relaxer irritating my skin. I may wash my body while I am waiting for the protein conditioner to sit. If I decide to condition any more after that I rinse it out in the sink, detangle, and somehow gently swivel my head around somehow so that it doesn't re-tangle.
Thanks Soulie! I read tons of info from SistaSlick posted on here. She knows her stuff. I'll be reading from now until relaxer day.

Another tip is to practice your relaxer application. Just go through the process using conditioner. All that extra conditioning will be good for your hair, and you can work on getting your applying/smoothing times into acceptable ranges before you try it with chemicals.
Another tip is to practice your relaxer application. Just go through the process using conditioner. All that extra conditioning will be good for your hair, and you can work on getting your applying/smoothing times into acceptable ranges before you try it with chemicals.

Good idea! I will do it this weekend.
I rinse in the shower. I feel like I can get it all out better that way. When I do my Mom's hair, I rinse her in the sink and make sure her hair doesn't go down (use a stopper)....
I'm scared to self relax again.
I had a major breakage the last time I tried it. I'm trying to make MBL this year and I will be PISSED if I sabotage myself.
I'm torn b/c I recently moved so I have no stylist and the thought of finding one is...:nono:

What to do, what to do?
I self-relax, and rinse it bent over the bathtub. That is the only day I don't worry about tangles. Plus I can get my nape good. I do it mainly for water pressure reasons, but if I did have one of those handheld things, I would do it in the shower.
What's this for and what affect does it have during the relaxer process.

Sorry, I didn't see your question until now. ACV is apple cider vinegar. I use a diluted solution a few times while rinsing/shampooing my relaxer out, to make sure the relaxer has been neutralized.
I self-relax, and rinse it bent over the bathtub. That is the only day I don't worry about tangles. Plus I can get my nape good. I do it mainly for water pressure reasons, but if I did have one of those handheld things, I would do it in the shower.

Very good point. So, I mean, should it even be that hard to detangle? to me the shower pressure isn't strong enough. I feel like the tub will really get the relaxer out.
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Sorry, I didn't see your question until now. ACV is apple cider vinegar. I use a diluted solution a few times while rinsing/shampooing my relaxer out, to make sure the relaxer has been neutralized.

How long have you been self relaxing and what relaxer do you use?
Very good point. So, I mean, should it even be that hard to detangle? to me the shower pressure isn't strong enough. I feel like the tub will really get the relaxer out.

It's really not hard for me to detangle that day. I usually rinse it out, I make bend my back over the bathtub for about 20 seconds to get the front really quick (maybe). Then I apply the DC in 4 sections. If I apply the DC like that, it's already got the hair going in the right direction so when I rinse it out (usu. in the shower) its pretty much tangle free. Hope that made sense.:perplexed
When I was beginning I relaxed in two separate sections, so I rinsed in the sink and then did the other section and rinsed in the sink. Now that I relax my whole head at once I rinse in the shower. Its more comfortable and my hair doesn't go down the drain when I'm rinsing.
I rinse my relaxer out in the shower. I bought a salon quality plastic cape at Sally's and it keeps my backside protected from the "relaxer stream".
I rinse in the shower with a handheld shower head. I wash my body while I'm in there.

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Rinsing in the shower seems like a good idea but I usually shampoo 4/5 times after relaxing so I need to do it in the sink.
I rinse it out in the sink because I relax my hair in sections. If I had a hand held shower head I would probably do it in the shower because since my sink is hollow, my hair constantly gets stuck in the drain :nono: