Question for the S-Curl users


New Member
Hi ladies!

I've noticed that some of you use S-curl as a moisturizer.....

1) Do you use it on wet or dry hair?

2) And for thos eof you who use it on dry hair, do you find it to be sticky, waxy, etc.

TIA Ladies!
I use S-Curl on dry hair. Yes it can be sticky and waxy, but I try to concentrate most of it on my new growth to keep it soft. If I put too much of it on my hair, I find that it causes breakage and creates more tangles.
I use it on wet hair every morning after I CW, and again at night when my hair is dry. I moisturize twice a day, helped me avoid dry hair in the new england winter weather for like the first time in my life :yep:
I am a natural head and I use S-curl on my dry hair which I mix with Worlds of Curls activator gel. It is one of my favorite moisturizer combos and it makes my hair really soft and helps to define/lossen my curls.
I've never used it on wet hair. That's just asking for tangles on MY hair.

On dry hair, yes it feels waxy. I can't wait to clarify after I have used it for awhile.
1) Do you use it on wet or dry hair?
I've used it on both.

2) And for those of you who use it on dry hair, do you find it to be sticky, waxy, etc.
Yes, but I don't mind it if I'm putting my hair in a bun. I don't use S-Curl on dry hair when I wear it down straight. ;)

I use it on both wet and dry hair. Whenever I use it on dry hair, I do find it to be sticky but not sure about the waxy feeling. I try to avoid combing my hair (wet or dry) after I apply s-curl to prevent any breakage.
Poohbear said:
1) Do you use it on wet or dry hair?
I've used it on both.

2) And for those of you who use it on dry hair, do you find it to be sticky, waxy, etc.
Yes, but I don't mind it if I'm putting my hair in a bun. I don't use S-Curl on dry hair when I wear it down straight. ;)

Girl, you took the words out of mouth !! Same scenario for me ! :lol:
I spritz my hair w/ water, not soppin' wet, but damp. Then I put it on w/ mango butter. I never use it on dry hair because I never use any product on dry hair. :lol: :
When I use S-curl, I spritz it on my edges then put on my satin scarf at night. I use it every other day, alternating with water to help with buildup. Works great and gives hair a little sheen.
I usually use scurl at night and i find that it can be sticky at times...i also try to only use it on my new growth, because too much can cause knots and tangles
I spray my S-Curl on wet hair. I find it to be a sticky consistency, but it doesn't bother me, because I usually wear my hair in a single braid. I do spray it on while my hair is down while its wet, too, but it keeps it moist. I don't find that my hair is sticky after using it, but it makes my hands sticky. :lol: It leaves my hair feeling moisturized, so I have no need to put more on dry hair.
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I use it on both wet & dry hair.
It doesnt make my hair sticky, it leaves it moisturized & soft.
I mainly focus on spraying it on my roots & ends.

*Remember a little goes a long way when it comes to S-Curl. ;)
THANKS LADIES!!!! YOUR FEEDBACK WAS GREAT! I have fine hair so that could be why it feels so sticky when I use it on dry hair.... :ohwell: Anyhoo, I'll try to stick to using it on wet/damp hair.

