Question for the rollersetting ladies!


New Member
For rollersets, is it necessary to use magnetic rollers? Or will mesh ones work as well? Also, does anyone use setting lotion? If so, what were your results?
I only use the magnetic rollers (gray and purple) and use Silk Elements foam setting lotion. If I stay under the dryer for the time I'm SUPPOSED to, my hair comes out very soft and silky.
I think magnetic are definitely the best for a smooth effect, the mesh and velcro-y kind required more flat ironing afterwards. IMO, you should buy some that are fairly firm instead of cheaper and flimsy because it makes it easier for me to roll.
I've only used magnetic rollers so I don't know the difference. I love the results of the magnetic rollers though.
Well doggone it, I have about a hundred and fifty of both kinds, and Im doing the mesh tomorrow, Ill let you know how it turns out and if they will be on the exhange board on sunday :lol:
MEEEEESH! They are the bomb to me! I could never get the magnetic right and my hair is so thick, it took forever to dry.
KhandiB said:
Well doggone it, I have about a hundred and fifty of both kinds, and Im doing the mesh tomorrow, Ill let you know how it turns out and if they will be on the exhange board on sunday :lol:

Too funny! I have both, but since the mesh have so many holes, I thought my drying time would be less. I will try the magnetic, KhandiB let me know how the mesh turns out...thanks ladies!

I use magnectic rollers. They give me a smooth set. Mesh rollers have texture to them which enbales them to give you more tension while setting. They will get your roots straighter. I prefer mesh as it also doesnt give you the whole mushroom effect that mesh can. Setting on mesh rollers is my next project.

Have you rollersetted before? I know your hair is gonna look beautiful!
I use magnetic. I tried to use the mesh rollers but just could not get the hang of it. I do not use a setting lotion. Just a little leave in conditioner and water. My hair does a better rollerset with little to no product and water or just water.
macherieamour said:

I use magnectic rollers. They give me a smooth set. Mesh rollers have texture to them which enbales them to give you more tension while setting. They will get your roots straighter. I prefer mesh as it also doesnt give you the whole mushroom effect that mesh can. Setting on mesh rollers is my next project.

Have you rollersetted before? I know your hair is gonna look beautiful!

Thank you Macherie! If I could get my hair to look like yours, I would be so happy. Your hair is gorgeous! I tried rollersetting once before and it didn't come out like I wanted it to. Since I have joined the board, and have been able to see pictures of what a rollerset should look like, I am going to try again. My blowdryer is tearing up my crown from the color I am trying to grow out.:mad: I am going to post some pics to show you guys what it turns out like...:)
I've only used magnetic rollers, and I really do like them. They give me a very smooth set. I just started using a setting lotion. As my hair gets longer, it tends to "flop" faster in the heat, so I had to incorporate a setting lotion into my regimen. I mix one part Razac Wrap Master Wrap/Setting Lotion to two parts Razac Leave-In Conditioner. My curls are lasting much longer, now.
Thanks! Yeah rollersetting and wrapping will def help you then. My first set was a nightmare. Some helpful tips:

1) Section Section Section- Sectioning makes it easier. I part a mohawk and two sides. I take one inch section on the mohawk, roll down and work my way down. On the side, I section off three vertical smaller sections and rubberband the sections im not using to keep it out of the way. Take one horizontal section and roll up.

2) Clean parts - While setting, make sure you parts are super clean. Sloppy parts mean frizzy roots and rollers that have too much hair will not dry in the same amount of time as the others. You want to make the set as UNIFORM and Consistent as possible.

3)Use Tension- I roll and tug, roll and tug while I set. This ensures the straightest possible hair.

4) Soaking wet hair - Your hair ,especially your ends, should be dripping wet. Its uncomfortable to set with super wet hair but it will give you the best set. If your hair dries up, DRENCH it with water

5) Product Usage- i get the best set when I use an leave-in, serum and then put an oil moisturizer on top. In my water bottle, i have water and setting lotion (heavily diluted). This gives me a controlled supple softest set- no mushroom hair! Setting lotion is NOT mandatory.

6) Practice makes perfect. My first set was HORRENDOUS. Just take your time and work on just SETTING the hair your first time around. You will get quicker and be able to naturally pick up one inch sections and part properly. My first set took me 2 hours. I now set in 35-40 mins. Im working on getting it down to 20 mins:)

This has whats worked for me!