Question for the ones that co wash 2 or more times a week...


Well-Known Member
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what? And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet? I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week? And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right? And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing? How often do you co wash?
I cowash 2x per week. Usually in the evenings when I get home from work.

I sit under a Hooded Dryer and dry. Either Tues/Friday or Wed/Saturday.

Lately tho', (since I'm wigging it), I've been DC'ing with Mega-Tek under 2 Plastic Caps and then Steaming when I get home from work with something Super Moisturizing.

I'll keep doing this for the remainder of the Summer.

btw: I'm Relaxed.
I co wash an hour or 2 before bed give me time to air dry and be lazy. And I can still apply my oils 30 min before bed and m&s right before bed.
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sckri23 said:
I co wash an hour or 2 before bed give me time to air dry and be lazy. And I can still apply my oils 30 min before bed and m&s right before bed.

And what go you do after you m&s?
I'm new to cowashing but I started cowashing 3x a week. Then 2 weeks ago I started doing it every night. After vacation I will probably cowash every other day. I cowash at night and its usually pretty late after I have finished everything else. I cowash, put in a leave-in, twist it up and go to bed. It is usually dry in the morning, if I get it twisted by 10. If not I will either keep the twist in or wear a puff.

My hair is softer and stays moisturized a little better. My twist outs are much more defined and don't puff up in the heat.

Because I cowash at night I would still do it this way in the winter because my hair would be dry in the morning. But the winters are really cold here.
I'm almost shampoo free, and co-cleanse at least 2-4 times a week. I'm in NYC, so WnG's are for the summertime. I WnG before I leave the house, and it's pretty quick and easy. I leave the house with wet hair, because it takes a while to dry. My hair is healthier, but I think that has more to do with putting down the Denman, and keeping my protein high.
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what? I cowash daily in the morning during my shower.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet? I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week? Yes, my hair is wet and air dries within a few hours. Usually, it is in a wet bun (see avatar for pic of my usual bun) with more conditioner on it. Sometimes a WnG or ponytail. Doesn't bother me at all.

And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right? Nope, I live in Nebraska. We get all 4 seasons. I do it year round but tend to wear my hair in dry styles a little more in the winter. That is primarily because I don't have to fight with humidity at that time, so I can flat iron occasionally.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing? HECK YES! Better moisture and more retention! I BC'd down to 4 inches of hair on April 5, 2010. I am now about 2 inches from WL only two years and 3 months later. :yay: See pic below in signature. Other pics in my photo albums.

How often do you co wash? Daily usually. There is a cowashing challenge that I started. Feel free to search my threads for parts 1 and 2 and look at everyone's progress and tips. Jump into challenge part 3 if you're really ready for your hair to take off!!
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Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?
I do it in the shower in the morning

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet?
My hair is wet but more damp than it is drenched. I keep the towel on my head until I put on my makeup

I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week?
I do it 5 times a week or six

And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?
I live in DC so we have winters. In the winter I just wear hats big enough so that I can wear an additional cap underneath, but I also drive to work so I am not out in the cold for long.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing?
I saw a major difference in the moisture retention, my flat ironed hair required less passes. When I blowdried my hair never seems dry and crunchy.

How often do you co wash?
I cowash 5-6 times a week
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?
I do it in the shower in the evening. I try and get it done by 8:30 as I'm in bed by 10 and I need a good 1.5 - 2 hours for it to dry. I do a bun or few bantu knots for bed and style in a bun or a wavy down style in the AM.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet? I cowash at night but if I do in the day, say on a weekend yes, I just go out with my hair wet...I bun it.

I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week?
I do it nightly, I'm relaxed.

And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?I'm in we have winter and I cowashed throughout the winter.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing?
Increased moisture retention and my hair always feels, simply fabulous.

How often do you co wash?
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?
I do it at night or in the evening before bed or the most part.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet?

If I do it before heading out, I put my hair up in a ponytail with about 4 large twists or a bun.

I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week? And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?

I live in Oregon - one of few states that has a milder climate year round. Its been in the 60s- 70s during the day lately when the rest of the country is on fire. It can get cold during the winter, but its never extreme (never below the lowest of 20 degrees wind child).

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started cowashing?
My hair is softer, not as tangled as it was when I only washed once a week, better/easier control over my hair.

How often do you co wash?
About every 3-4 days though I do throw in a sulfate free shampoo about once every two weeks.
I co wash daily during my morning shower after working out.

I don't mind that my hair is damp if I need to leave the house.

I just started co washing regularly this past spring. Not sure if I'll continue doing it as often during the colder months (depends on my work out routine). If I do I will just wrap it up.

I've noticed that my hair is a lot softer since co washing.
i cowash in the morning before heading to work. Right now is the perfect time for cowashing. Summer is cowash weather though i typically do it year round.
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?
-It varies and just depends on when I have the most time.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet?
-I like for my hair to be dry before heading out, but sometimes it's not completely dry.

I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week? And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?
-I'm not in a warm climate, but during the winter months, I just cover my head/hair if it's still wet/damp. Mostly, I try to avoid going out with wet/damp hair, but it doesn't always work that way.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started cowashing?
-Yes, I do. My hair retains more moisture is not dry like it used to be. It has a high gloss to it.

How often do you co wash?
-2 times per week
For me, cowashing is used as a refresher before venturing outside (e.g., saturate with water in the shower, apply conditioner, let it sit while I complete my ablutions, rinse, add a leave-in and sealant then style). My hair is usually damp when I walk out the door. I did the same thing while living in NYC; the only difference is that I would cowash at least two hours before leaving the house from December onward.
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?

I usually cowash in the evenings when I have at least an hour before going to bed. I don't care about my hair being damp. I just put in two braids and go to bed.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet?

I will cowash and head out with a wet bun on occasion. Here's how my wet buns look:


I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week? And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?

I cowash around 4 times a week. I live in Texas, but I cowash year-round.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing?

Yes! It's definitely a moisture boost and I can tell the difference in softness. Matter of fact, I think I'll go cowash now and bun before we head out for 4th of July Festivities! :grin:
Nix08 said:
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?
I do it in the shower in the evening. I try and get it done by 8:30 as I'm in bed by 10 and I need a good 1.5 - 2 hours for it to dry. I do a bun or few bantu knots for bed and style in a bun or a wavy down style in the AM.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet? I cowash at night but if I do in the day, say on a weekend yes, I just go out with my hair wet...I bun it.

I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week?
I do it nightly, I'm relaxed.

And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?I'm in we have winter and I cowashed throughout the winter.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing?
Increased moisture retention and my hair always feels, simply fabulous.

How often do you co wash?

You never caught a cold in the winter?!
Lilmama1011 :lachen: Nope at least not from a wet head.. maybe from snotty nosed kids:grin: Granted I go from house to car from car to destination...I'm not outside for long. I don't believe in the getting a cold from being wet...NOT that I have any proof that it isn't true but for me, I've never found it to be for me when it's going to rain, I get a headache:ohwell:
sunnieb said:
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?

I usually cowash in the evenings when I have at least an hour before going to bed. I don't care about my hair being damp. I just put in two braids and go to bed.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet?

I will cowash and head out with a wet bun on occasion. Here's how my wet buns look:

I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week? And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?

I cowash around 4 times a week. I live in Texas, but I cowash year-round.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing?

Yes! It's definitely a moisture boost and I can tell the difference in softness. Matter of fact, I think I'll go cowash now and bun before we head out for 4th of July Festivities! :grin:

Pretty bun
sunnieb said:
Do you do it just before you head out or just before bed or what?

I usually cowash in the evenings when I have at least an hour before going to bed. I don't care about my hair being damp. I just put in two braids and go to bed.

And if you do it before heading out you leave with it wet?

I will cowash and head out with a wet bun on occasion. Here's how my wet buns look:

I just can't picture myself doing it five times a week? And I assume Yal live on warm climates or do it only in the summer right?

I cowash around 4 times a week. I live in Texas, but I cowash year-round.

And do you see a big difference in your hair after you started co washing?

Yes! It's definitely a moisture boost and I can tell the difference in softness. Matter of fact, I think I'll go cowash now and bun before we head out for 4th of July Festivities! :grin:

What kind of clip is that can go through your bun?
I've been co washing everyday this Spring/Summer. I do it every morning. I leave with wet hair, airdry only. Never been sick from doing that. For some reason if I go to bed with wet hair I wake up stuffy and w/ a sore throat so I rarely ever wash my hair at nite as I'm a frequent airdryer.

I've been co washing even as a relaxed head and I must say that I believe it helped me the most with my retention!:yep: Besides moisturizing and sealing. (when I was relaxed)
Since I have been natural all I have been able to do w/ my hair is co wash every morning. I live in Texas so it is hot, I usually let it air dry but I think I may start sitting under a dryer. My hair seems pretty healthy, I cut it and it seems to still be at a good length since I am coming up on my one yr.
Do any of you ladies who frequently cowash have trouble with over moisturizing?

Sometimes....not very often. When i do i just do a mild protein treatment or i look for a co-washing conditioner or rinse-out that has some protein in it. Lately i just used DevaCurl OneCondition and it strengthened my hair back up some. I think the hops in it does that to my hair tho.

What products are you ladies cowashing with? Any build up??

I use anything without cones, i personally like to use either V05 or Suave for co-washing. If i were to use cones for co-washing i would have crazy buildup on my scalp! Without cones i don't get that, but bc my scalp is oily itself...that's the only buildup i get.
Like with SmilingElephant I use products without cones.

To prevent over moisturizing I often do a stretch test to give me an indication of my balance. Plus I use a rinse out protein conditioner and steam at least once a week with protein (I'm relaxed with fine strands so I use protein often).
What products are you ladies cowashing with? Any build up??

I use 'cone free conditioners to prevent buildup. I also use cleansing conditioners at times if I feel my hair needs something that's more cleansing, but not as much as a shampoo.

For general cowashing, I use Tresemme Naturals, Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, Trader Joe's Tree Tea Tingle and so on.

Do any of you ladies who frequently cowash have trouble with over moisturizing?

Not really. I do use henna about once a month which helps and occasionally use a conditioner that has some protein.