Question for the ladies who go to the salon!!!


New Member
How do you take care of your hair properly if you to go the salon, to get your hair flat-ironed or pressed for example?? Do you continue to moisturize and seal?? Do you still cowash?? I'm wondering because I think I have been doing pretty good with hair wearing it natural, but tomorrow I am getting my hair flat-ironed. I don't want to neglect my hair, but I also want to be able to keep my hair straight and pretty. What do you ladies do??:drunk:
I just leave it alone until my next wash. I also make sure I cover it at night and when I'm showering.
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Oh okay! Same thing I pretty much do....but I wasent sure if I was damaging...since when I'm natural I cowash, moisturize, oil/seal and do all this other stuff! :lachen: