Question for the kitchen "chemists"


New Member
Question for the kitchen \"chemists\"

I wanted to do a search but I didn't know what to put in.

You girls that do a lot of you mix vitamins in with stuff? Like biotin? MSM? Is this dangerous? Anyone does this with results?

Thanks girls!
Re: Question for the kitchen \"chemists\"

i read here several months back that someone used MSM powder in their conditioner. I cannot imagine what kind of ill effects or benefits topical application of vitamins on the hair could have. /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif Anybody else have a clue, because I sure don't...
Re: Question for the kitchen \"chemists\"

i would think the vitamins are best taken internally. i would focus more on adding carrier/essential oils and extracts to haircare products...just my opinion.....
Re: Question for the kitchen \"chemists\"

Thanks ya'll, I am taking vitamins now but I was looking on Nexxus'(I think) website and I saw that they have a Biotin Shampoo so I just starting thinking about putting some in my mixtures.

Anyone else?