Question for the Conditioner wash ladies


Well-Known Member
Do you use the same conditioner for your washes as you o when you shampoo and condition? I am asking because I am really hooked on the Elasta QP line, and I wash and condtion, once a week w/ con washes in between. But I have been using the Pantene Sleek and Smooth for the con washes. Any opinions?
Actually I don't use the same conditioner. I use elucence moisture balance or occasionally aubrey's gpb for conditioner washes.

For rollarsetting I use other stuff like LUST, mizani moisturefuse, kerastase... stuff I don't want to 'waste' on a conditioner wash.
Same here. I use S&S and VO5 for conditioner washes. I also use S&S and final "cream rinse" type product. It really busts up those tangles and knots! But I use other conditioners as moisturizing deep conditioners. Tropical Avocado, Jason Sea Kelp, Elasta QP DPR-11, etc.
I do(Elucence)...I also use VO5 Kiwi and lime condiotioner but I like using the Elucence more. My hair is softer when I use it. I only condition wash once maybe twice a week. I usually just rinse if I'm not shampooing.
I'm also a Pantene S&S fan for daily CO washes. But I use different conditioners for deep conditioning (under a dryer or heating cap). I'm still searching for a really good deep, moisturizing conditioner, so far I've tried Nexxuss Humectress, Lekair & LustraSilk cholestrols, and recently Aubrey Organics GPB (which was excellent).
I always deep condition my hair after my shampoo, (kerastase, LUST, Redken Heavy Cream) and use daily moisturizing conditioners like Herbal Essence, Garnier, Dove etc. for my conditioning washes. It's fun experimenting with different moisturizing conditioners for the co's.
Caramelkiss by you leaving in Germany just like me, doing daily conditon washes help instead of hurt your hair? I thought about it, but I didn't know if it would hurt or help my hair
Hi Jellynote

The conditioning washes have been WONDERFUL!! Initially, I was getting a lot of build-up, but it wasn't from the products, it's from the hard water here, and so I do my final rinses with distilled. It has helped tremendously and really softens my hair. I also use a clarifying shampoo once every three weeks. My hair has also been growing like a weed and it is so much more resilient and pliant. My hair was brittle and hard before I started the cond. washes. I highly recommend it for the summer!!
I use Suave Coconut Conditioner for both. I'm wearing braids now but after taking them down, I use cholestrol and olive oil to deep condition and wash with either conditioner and baking soda or lemon juice. I've found that apple cider vinegar does nicely for washing! Just remember to dilute or your hair will smell like it

I'd like to try Elucence but since I wash so frequently (when I'm out of braids) Suave works for the money!
For my conditioning washes I use VO5 conditioners. My fav: fruitsations. For my weekly deep conditioning I use Keracare Humectress and Lekair Cholesterol.
I've been using the same ones for my conditioner washes that I use for my shampoos. I switch between Elucence and Keracare.

DSD...Fruitsations...hmmm...I might have to try that. I really would like to use something a little less expensive for during the week to save on my more expensive products.
I usually have a problem with product build up even though I use a clarifying shampoo every 3 or four weeks, so I use Suave Clarifying conditioner for my daily washes and its been wonderful!!!

I use what's at the gym - but I see reason why you can't use what you normally use. It tends to be a cost issue (the "normal" conditioner you use is usually more expensive but I know the Elasta line is slightly more reasonable than most) for the most part.

If your hair loves it, I say use it! The only thing I'd watch is anything heavy on protein. You don't want the protein to make your hair too brittle.

I use what's at the gym - but I see reason why you can't use what you normally use. It tends to be a cost issue (the "normal" conditioner you use is usually more expensive but I know the Elasta line is slightly more reasonable than most) for the most part.

If your hair loves it, I say use it! The only thing I'd watch is anything heavy on protein. You don't want the protein to make your hair too brittle.

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I just re-read and you could also use the Pantene - with that just watch any build up on the silicone. You can make sure by substituting a clarifying shampoo for your regualr shampoo once every two weeks or so - a little more often if you notice any limpness or anything esle indicative of residue.