Question for Southerngirl


New Member
Hi Southerngirl,

First I want to say your hair is georgeous..secondly..we have the same hair type and I know you mentioned that you started your long hair journey with a blunt shoulder length cut but my question is,how did you make it to bra-strap length in 1 year? I started with a shoulder length cut and here I am 3 years later and I just made it to brastrap with hardly any trims in between. I know there are many factors i.e height etc.....but darn how did ya do it?

I would love to know this too. I recently cut my hair and it's now shoulder-length. I've been wearing cornrows as a protective style.
Tee Tee2 said:
Hi Southerngirl,

First I want to say your hair is georgeous..secondly..we have the same hair type and I know you mentioned that you started your long hair journey with a blunt shoulder length cut but my question is,how did you make it to bra-strap length in 1 year? I started with a shoulder length cut and here I am 3 years later and I just made it to brastrap with hardly any trims in between. I know there are many factors i.e height etc.....but darn how did ya do it?


She's got a very fast growth rate.. If you look in her album you'll see the growth she gets before her touchup...she told me she touches up at 8 weeks and finds not need to stretch because of the fast growth.....:shocked:.........I don't think she uses anything special, but I'd like to her what she has to tell us.......:sekret:

Hi Everyone :wave:

I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to get this but I've been away from the board for a little while :(

Anyhoo, I miss ya'll!

Tee Tee, thanks so much for the compliments!!! I did get some pretty fast growth last year- even though I think my hair grows pretty slow.

Here was my regimen last year, beginning with a shoulder-length chop in January:

Suave Milk and Honey Shampoo and Conditioner
Creme of Nature shampoo
LeKair Cholesterol Conditioner
Surge (only started using Aug 2004)
Wild Growth Oil (started using in May 2004, scalp only)
HF37 Vitamins (faithfully)

That's all I used!!! Also, I only trimmed about twice last year. I wore my hair in buns most of the time, but I really didn't do anything special back then. The things I really believe gave me a boost were the vitamins, Surge, and WGO combo. My hair REALLY took off around August. Also, I relaxed between 8-10 weeks. I tried stretching but I generally broke down everytime :)

Right now I'm using Mane N Tail products and I really like them. I started near the end of the year. I think it's made my hair stronger, but it doesn't seem to be growing any faster. But then again, I didn't think it grew fast last year until I got to December and realized I was at my goal :lol:

Does that help? Let me know if I can answer any other questions!!

SouthernGirl said:
Hi Everyone :wave:

I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to get this but I've been away from the board for a little while :(

Anyhoo, I miss ya'll!

Tee Tee, thanks so much for the compliments!!! I did get some pretty fast growth last year- even though I think my hair grows pretty slow.

Here was my regimen last year, beginning with a shoulder-length chop in January:

Suave Milk and Honey Shampoo and Conditioner
Creme of Nature shampoo
LeKair Cholesterol Conditioner
Surge (only started using Aug 2004)
Wild Growth Oil (started using in May 2004, scalp only)
HF37 Vitamins (faithfully)

That's all I used!!! Also, I only trimmed about twice last year. I wore my hair in buns most of the time, but I really didn't do anything special back then. The things I really believe gave me a boost were the vitamins, Surge, and WGO combo. My hair REALLY took off around August. Also, I relaxed between 8-10 weeks. I tried stretching but I generally broke down everytime :)

Right now I'm using Mane N Tail products and I really like them. I started near the end of the year. I think it's made my hair stronger, but it doesn't seem to be growing any faster. But then again, I didn't think it grew fast last year until I got to December and realized I was at my goal :lol:

Does that help? Let me know if I can answer any other questions!!


Tell me a little more about the vitamins. I order this brand in 2002 and think I had to take about 18 pills a day. It got to be too much. Which of these vitamins did you take and how much per day? I think it was taking 6 pills three times day. Thanks :lachen:
SouthernGirl said:
Hi Everyone :wave:

I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to get this but I've been away from the board for a little while :(

Anyhoo, I miss ya'll!

Tee Tee, thanks so much for the compliments!!! I did get some pretty fast growth last year- even though I think my hair grows pretty slow.

Here was my regimen last year, beginning with a shoulder-length chop in January:

Suave Milk and Honey Shampoo and Conditioner
Creme of Nature shampoo
LeKair Cholesterol Conditioner
Surge (only started using Aug 2004)
Wild Growth Oil (started using in May 2004, scalp only)
HF37 Vitamins (faithfully)

That's all I used!!! Also, I only trimmed about twice last year. I wore my hair in buns most of the time, but I really didn't do anything special back then. The things I really believe gave me a boost were the vitamins, Surge, and WGO combo. My hair REALLY took off around August. Also, I relaxed between 8-10 weeks. I tried stretching but I generally broke down everytime :)

Right now I'm using Mane N Tail products and I really like them. I started near the end of the year. I think it's made my hair stronger, but it doesn't seem to be growing any faster. But then again, I didn't think it grew fast last year until I got to December and realized I was at my goal :lol:

Does that help? Let me know if I can answer any other questions!!


Time out, I just read that your 35 ?
star said:
Tell me a little more about the vitamins. I order this brand in 2002 and think I had to take about 18 pills a day. It got to be too much. Which of these vitamins did you take and how much per day? I think it was taking 6 pills three times day. Thanks :lachen:


Yes, the vitamin regimen is indeed a bit much! They are the size of horse pills and if you follow the regimen, you have to take 8 per day. I would take 3 of "Step 2" in the AM before breakfast, 2 of the "Step Ones" at lunchtime, then the other 3 "Step Twos" at night before bed. Step Ones must be taken on a full stomach, while Step Twos must be taken on an empty stomach (Amino Acids are absorbed better into the bloodstream on an empty stomach).

I vowed to stay consistent for a while, and when I did, my hair really grew!!! Now I still take them, but I'm on a much more relaxed schedule.

Thanks for replying Southerngirl. I think right now our hair is the same length but I'm guessing by your growth rate,at the end of the year you'll be alot further than me...LOL. As I've said in my original post,many factors can be at work as to why some have fast growing hair and others get the typical 1/2 inch per month or less. I appreciate you sharing with me your regimen and I was thinking of trying MNT in the Spring/Summer months but I think their products contain alot of protein and my hair can only stand protein about once every 4 weeks or so but I'm glad to hear MNT is working so well for you :)

Southerngirl did you experience any weight gain with the vitamins? especially since they have Amino Acids in them? 2 years ago I went to GNC to buy Amino Acids because I heard they make your hair grow and lo and behold my hair grew about an inch or more per month...but so did my stomach.....:( so I had to stop taking them.

divine said:
Time out, I just read that your 35 ?

Hey Divine :wave:

Yes, my secret is out!!! I can't believe my actual age was given on the Happy B-day thread :lol: I almost died when I saw it. I just said aw well, it's out there now so no need in keeping it a secret :)

Yes, I am "old!!" I REALLY appreciate the compliments though. Turning back the hands of time is WORK! I must credit my mommy and grammy though. My mom looks like she could be my sister, and my grammy who is 75 does not have a single wrinkle! She doesn't use anything on her face but vaseline, soap, and water. I'm just hoping I can have great skin like them down the road!!

SouthernGirl said:
Hey Divine :wave:

Yes, my secret is out!!! I can't believe my actual age was given on the Happy B-day thread :lol: I almost died when I saw it. I just said aw well, it's out there now so no need in keeping it a secret :)

Yes, I am "old!!" I REALLY appreciate the compliments though. Turning back the hands of time is WORK! I must credit my mommy and grammy though. My mom looks like she could be my sister, and my grammy who is 75 does not have a single wrinkle! She doesn't use anything on her face but vaseline, soap, and water. I'm just hoping I can have great skin like them down the road!!

i'm so hating on you right now. I thought you were in my age range.
SouthernGirl said:
Hey Divine :wave:

Yes, my secret is out!!! I can't believe my actual age was given on the Happy B-day thread :lol: I almost died when I saw it. I just said aw well, it's out there now so no need in keeping it a secret :)

Yes, I am "old!!" I REALLY appreciate the compliments though. Turning back the hands of time is WORK! I must credit my mommy and grammy though. My mom looks like she could be my sister, and my grammy who is 75 does not have a single wrinkle! She doesn't use anything on her face but vaseline, soap, and water. I'm just hoping I can have great skin like them down the road!!


:lol: awww, no worries SG, you are not old and you def. dont look it either! i couldn't believe your age either. (its in your profile by the way :look: )
SouthernGirl said:

Yes, the vitamin regimen is indeed a bit much! They are the size of horse pills and if you follow the regimen, you have to take 8 per day. I would take 3 of "Step 2" in the AM before breakfast, 2 of the "Step Ones" at lunchtime, then the other 3 "Step Twos" at night before bed. Step Ones must be taken on a full stomach, while Step Twos must be taken on an empty stomach (Amino Acids are absorbed better into the bloodstream on an empty stomach).

I vowed to stay consistent for a while, and when I did, my hair really grew!!! Now I still take them, but I'm on a much more relaxed schedule.

Thanks, I may try these vitamins again. :lol:
Tee Tee2 said:
Southerngirl did you experience any weight gain with the vitamins? especially since they have Amino Acids in them? 2 years ago I went to GNC to buy Amino Acids because I heard they make your hair grow and lo and behold my hair grew about an inch or more per month...but so did my stomach.....:( so I had to stop taking them.


Hey There,

As for my hair growth rate, you are correct, it does vary depending on the person. I think genetics also plays a part. If your hair is about the same length as mine, we may still be at the same length by the end of the year, because I'm really not trying to get it much longer. 4 inches is all I want to add. I'll just maintain my trims so it will be thick at the ends as it grows out.

As for the amino acids, you are right, they sometimes add weight, but I forgot one critical factor...

PROTEIN!!! I forgot that I went back to eating red meat last year for the first time in 8 years. I did Atkins (modified version of it) and it REALLY helped my growth. I'll go back and edit my original post to include upping my meat intake.

star said:
Thanks, I may try these vitamins again. :lol:

No problem! Lemme know if you have any questions about dosage. If you do it, just buy the One-month trial size and give it a go for a month. See how much NG you get before ordering more. More importantly, commit to taking the recommended dosage (the way I used them- 3, 2, and 3) so you get the maximum benefit.

That way you'll know if they're worth it!!

honeydrop215 said:
:lol: awww, no worries SG, you are not old and you def. dont look it either! i couldn't believe your age either. (its in your profile by the way :look: )

Hey Honeydrop :wave:

Thanks so much!!! By the way, I'm off to change that profile:lol:
Luv ya,