Question for Self Duster/Trimmers


A+ Hair Care Queen
Do you use a cutting comb, or do you use a comb that is already in your stash?
If you have used both, do you find that the cutting comb is better for dusting and trimming vs. using a comb that you already have? Are cutting combs only for people who cut/dust/trim other peoples hair i.e. beautician/stylist?

Please provide your experience and thoughts, regarding this matter. TIA

Magic Cutting Star Comb

Pink ProEdge™ Cutting Comb
I don't use a cutting comb, I use a comb already in my stash. The comb I use is a wide tooth comb. I use the feye method to dust/trim my hair, so a comb isnt really necessary for me. However, if I decide to get bangs, a cutting comb might be beneficial.
I use my wide tooth comb, then smooth a bit with a medium tooth comb. I really try my best to avoid using small tooth combs on dry hair. I don't mind the medium tooth comb, but since I trim immediately after rollersetting, its not too bad. It comes out good either way.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together