Question for Naturals who wear twists

What product do you use to twist your hair?
I have not quite mastered the shrinkage factor yet but I twist with Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Cream or Natures Blessing Hair Pomade. It keeps my twists moisturized well and give them a nice sheen and plump look. Check out my album when you get a chance, and GOOD LUCK!!!
After I finish DC'ing, I braid up my hair, and let it air-dry in braids. Then, I take those down, use my leave-in (a mixture of conditioners and butters/oils) and twist on those. That process gives me the longest twists possible - virtually no shrinkage. :yep: I seal the completed twist with castor oil, and I'm good to go. :yep:
no matter what i do, twist on dry hair, dry on wet hair,etc..
my twists shrink a lot
so i just let them do whatever they want :drunk:
I actually don't mind shrinkage at all, which is why I dunk mine in water after doing them on dry so that they can hang down better ie straight (I don't like wonky twists). The shrinkage also give them weight so that they can "behave" and not rudely point every which way.
I twist on dry or damp hair. I twist with a mixture of shea, aloe vera gel and oils. They don't shrink until the first wash.
I twist on wet hair with Shea Butter (lose a lot more hair if I dry twist). Since my hair is still short what I'll do is after I've finished twisting I'll band my twists and once they're dry and I take the bands off they're still stretched. If I'm in a hurry I'll be a bad girl and rub a little Chi Silk Infusion on them and then blast them with a blow dryer. It only takes a few seconds to stretch them out. The hair doesn't even get hot.