Question for naturals who use shampoo


New Member
I've only been natural for a month and eight days now and I LOVE it! I was just wondering how often those of you that use shampoo (not CO washes) wash your hair. When I was transitioning I washed my hair 3 times a week and just used conditioner in it the other 4 days. I was wondering if I should continue to use shampoo 3 times a week. So far I have not noticed any bad effects. How many times a week do you use shampoo?
I shampoo 1 day per week. That is also the day I do the deep conditioner, hot oil treatment, and the whole hair day thing. The other 6 days i conditioner wash. I actually haven't shampooed more frequently than once a week, so I am not sure of the difference it would make in my hair. I was only shampooing once a month, then I changed to twice per month, and now i shampoo once each week. this way my scalp feels clean.
First of all, congrats on going natural!
I'm happy that you're happy with you hair.

Anyway, to answer your question, I'm in braids right now, but when my hair is out, I usually wash it with shampoo once per week (Cream of Nature Professional) and do 1 or 2 conditioner washes each week (with a handful of the the condit as part of my leave in). For me, shampooing my natural hair 3 times a week would be a little excessive. I think that condit only washes provide the scalp with the same stimulation without any detergents to strip out the moisture.

However, if you had good results with shampooing 3x a week while you were transitioning, then I say go for it. Just make sure that you are replenishing every drop of moisture with a good conditioner and leave in afterwards. If you start to notice adverse effects, just lay off on one or two of the shampoos and substitute condit only washes.
I wear braids and shampoo twice a week using moisturizing CON. I deep condition with UBH Conditioner or LeKair Cholesterol each time I shampoo. So far no probs but if my hair seemed to dry up, I'd add conditioner washes in between.
I've been natural for 16 months (including transitioning 20 months). I did the no poo for a little bit, but out of habit I slowly went back to shampooing. I shampoo once a week (I work, and I don't really feel like doing it now), I use Sauve Clarifying shampoo, and Creme of Nature shampoo (alternately). As long as I use conditioner afterwards, I have no dry problems.
It depends on the season. In the summer, I use shampoo about 3 times a week but I focus the shampoo application on the scalp only. In the winter, I use shampoo once a week but on my scalp and hair.
When I was natural (only became texturized a week aago) I washed 5-7 days a week with CON. For some reason that shampoo makes my hair feel better than any conditioner alone. I used clarifying shampoos every few weeks whenever my hair just felt like it needed it.
I shampoo once a week with a diluted shampoo+ essential oil mixture. In between washings I use a no-rinse scalp cleanser / toner.
When I used to wash with shampoo (only a couple of weeks ago, lol!) I would shampoo every 4-7 days, but the shampoo would be sodium laureth sulfate/ammonium laureth sulfate free, such as Kemi Moyst Shampoo or Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo.
I shampoo on average once every two weeks.
I alternate using Mane n Tail (great for removing buildup), CON (cleans without stripping and detangles), and Optimum care collagen moisturizing shampoo (gentle cleansing and leaves my hair sooo-o-o soft).
CON shampoo diltued 1/week. Other days if I want to get rid of buildup or have that 'clean scalp' feeling I use a clarifying conditioner such as V05 Kiwi & Lime.
I do conditioner washes--I just read the original post a second time and realize Alireno asked for responses from those who do NOT do CO washes. Sorry for any confusion.
I shampoo once a week and condition wash in between. My hair is much softer and shinier. I tried to stretch the shampoos but my scalp gets itchy.
well i'm not 100% natural since i'm transitioning but then i think i will be transitioning for the next six years or so:) i wash my hair with cream of nature two or three times a week. in the summer time i washed or at least rinsed it daily because i work out a lot. but now since it got colder i don't sweat like crazy anymore:). i think that cream of nature is the best shampoo ever and i absolutely love it.
I shampoo no more than once a week. Sometimes I alternate between conditioner washes and shampoo. It's sort of a modified version of "no poo." I can't give up shampoo completely because my scalp would get mad at me.
For some reason my hair do not like CON I have the one for dry damaged hair green and while bottle, yellow cap. It dries my new growth out.