Question for Naturals: Pre poo'ing on DRY hair?


New Member
I read here

the following: "I've been doing the "pre-shampoo treatment" for awhile, though i didn't use Philosophy. I've read in several hair care mags and 'net sites that dry hair absorbs the good stuff in conditioners better than wet hair (though it's still a good idea to condition after a washing, too)."

And what products or concoctions are you using for pre-poos? Quick browsing it looks like it would be useful to do the protein treatments as a pre-poo? Also, I was curious about this product:
Philosophy Shear Splendor "Marinating" Oil for Chemically Treated, Chronically Dry Hair ($20).

I have to pre poo- its starts the process of keeping my hair moist. And since i don't use a comb or brush and am on low manipulation this starts the process of keeping my hair is tip top shape. I use Aubreys Honeysuckle rose as pre-poo then I conditioner wash then I deep condition. Sounds excessive- but my maybe lose 10-15 strands in all when i style my hair. You can tell that my hair is very dense by looking at my Fotki.
The question about wet versus dry hair had to do with my understanding that it maybe my natural hair receives treatment better on wet hair because the cuticle is opened up versus on dry hair as the cuticle is closed?