Question: For NATURALS ..Is this OK?


Well-Known Member
Most ladies with 4b natural hair that tangles effortlessly, would share my struggle with knots, tangles and frustration. I’m trying to minimize that struggle just a bit.

Tomorrow I will be taking out my cornrows and getting them re-done. While I thoroughly untangle my hair I will do small plaits - then cleanse it w/ baking soda, do an aphogee protein treatment and then deep condition - all while my hair is in plaits w/o redoing them after each process…is this ok?

I my concern is not being able to thoroughly wash out the products, especially the aphogee, though will try to wash VERY Good after each application. What do you think?
I'd be skittish about not redoing. I'd undo each plait, rinse, then immediately re-plait before moving on to the next plait.

But tha's just me...
Yup, I use to do this too, I have patience, but not that much. My stress level rises sky-high after I’m done and from the last experience I had, I promised myself to either find another way or perm. I’m trying to avoid perming because of a host of reasons
^^ I agree I would be skiddish too. I would undo the plaits. Also let me add I would make them somewhat big, not small. Those small plaits are going to create too much work.
Yeah, I'm unsure about it too, but I would do big plaits loose twists from the root down midway - then braid the ends loosely before I apply any pordcut
Well what type of detangling sessions are you having?

I usually detangle/ re-braid after each step: wash, protein treatment, deep cond. But its waaaay too frustrating and it takes farr to much time to detaingle again after washing, even before water hits my head it tangles. My hair has to be in braids 24/7 to avoid tangles.
I have always washed my hair in twists (own hair) or braids (extensions) and I have never had any problems. I do think though small braids with your own hair can be a little too tight for products to penetrate if you plait them the way you would for a style. However, if you plait them loosely, I believe it can be done. I will confess, I've never used Aphogee so don't know if it ought to make a difference. But for the last almost 5 years or so, I have not undone my hair in the middle of my wash--except the few time before I knew better and the other times I was crazy enough to try it. My washes are the easiest part of my regimen. I squeeze my twist/braids during shampooing and rinsing and conditioning and rinsing and when dunked in an ACV solution that there's no doubt in my mind that my hair is as clean as can be after every wash.
Yup, I use to do this too, I have patience, but not that much. My stress level rises sky-high after I’m done and from the last experience I had, I promised myself to either find another way or perm. I’m trying to avoid perming because of a host of reasons

^^ I agree I would be skiddish too. I would undo the plaits. Also let me add I would make them somewhat big, not small. Those small plaits are going to create too much work.

My thinking too, the bigger the plaits, the less the stress.
I have always washed my hair in twists (own hair) or braids (extensions) and I have never had any problems. I do think though small braids with your own hair can be a little too tight for products to penetrate if you plait them the way you would for a style. However, if you plait them loosely, I believe it can be done. I will confess, I've never used Aphogee so don't know if it ought to make a difference. But for the last almost 5 years or so, I have not undone my hair in the middle of my wash--except the few time before I knew better and the other times I was crazy enough to try it. My washes are the easiest part of my regimen. I squeeze my twist/braids during shampooing and rinsing and conditioning and rinsing and when dunked in an ACV solution that there's no doubt in my mind that my hair is as clean as can be after every wash.

Thanks for this!!!!

This is what I’m going to do - I’ll be sure to completely wash out ALL the aphogee after, hopefully I wont run into any problems- this routine should make washing the easiest part of my regimen too. Incredibly easy!! Squeezing thoroughly while wash…repeat - that should do the trick!

I’ll be mixing ACV to my exfoliating shampoo for a more thorough clean, wash out, then apply the aphgoee treatment, I usually use baking soda.
Personally, I would do twists instead of braids - braids are much tighter, and have many more crevices to 'trap' product in.

The only time my hair isn't in twists is when I've got a comb/brush in it to detangle, or it's pulled back into a ponytail to DC. Otherwise, it's twisted up.
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