Question for naturals and relaxed ladies,


Active Member
Do you think your hair grew faster and retained more length relaxed or pressed and curled (natural)?

I will be taking out my braids and pressing my hair later in the month of June. I decided to transition because I felt that the relaxer was stunting my hair growth. I think that this was partly because most hairstylist apply the relaxer to the scalp instead of just the new growth and since relaxers are so harsh they damaging the hair follicles and even break the hair off completely.

What are your thoughts??

I will keep everyone updated as to whether I see a difference in hair growth and retention once I start pressing my hair in June.
I am natural and I definetly feel that my hair has retained a lot more length now as opposed to when I was relaxed. Now a big part of it was that I didn't have the amount of knowledge that I have now.

This has been discussed a few times on this board, and there is no concrete answer, there are many factors to this.

It seems like your hairgrowth was stunted by bad relaxer practices. As you see on this board it is possible to have long, healthy, relaxed hair...and if straight hair is what you're looking for 99% of the time, I'd say look into the threads on relaxer maintenance first.

Constantly applying heat can be just as damaging as a relaxer.
Well i really dont know?
when i had a perm when i was 3 my mom said my hair was short and it did not grow. But then she made me go natural when i was 4 and my hair started retaining and growing. Now that im older im sick and tired of presses so i probably want do them anymore out of laziness/ my stylist doesnt know what shes doing. But if it is done the right way you should be good. How many times do you plan on pressing? I use to press Every 3 weeks or once a month?
Hi Redriot,

I think you are absolutely right!! My hair growth HAS been stunted by bad relaxer practices. and YES long, healthy, relaxed hair can definitely be achieved, just look at the examples on this board. Good point!!

This has been discussed a few times on this board, and there is no concrete answer, there are many factors to this.

It seems like your hairgrowth was stunted by bad relaxer practices. As you see on this board it is possible to have long, healthy, relaxed hair...and if straight hair is what you're looking for 99% of the time, I'd say look into the threads on relaxer maintenance first.

Constantly applying heat can be just as damaging as a relaxer.

true ...
I am natural and I definetly feel that my hair has retained a lot more length now as opposed to when I was relaxed. Now a big part of it was that I didn't have the amount of knowledge that I have now. hair was always a good length as a relaxed head but I was definately relaxing too often.
I dunno know, when I was relaxed I stretched my relaxer for 2 months ( 8 weeks) and had about an inch to inch and half of new growth. But when I got my hair relaxed after the stretch it would be maybe a half an inch longer or most likely the same length. I was like the relaxer was just eating away my length. I wasn't really maintaining length.

Now, I have been transitioning in box braids for the past 3-4 months and already have about 2 to 3 inches of new growth. I think that I might see more progress by pressing my hair this time instead of relaxing. I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens.
Hi missprincess,

I plan on pressing every two weeks. I am purposely pressing during the middle of summer to see how my hair will withstand reverting. If it reverts during those two weeks, I may press once a week, however just during the summer. I will be going to my old hairstylist and he is GREAT!! He uses very little heat or just the right amount. He is an expert!! so I should be in great hands!!

I wouldn't give up pressing the hair especially if your hair has been growing and retaining length. :nono: Find a new hairstylist or learn to do it yourself. From you siggy your hair looks long enough that you can do it yourself. Go for it!!
Hi missprincess,

I plan on pressing every two weeks. I am purposely pressing during the middle of summer to see how my hair will withstand reverting. If it reverts during those two weeks, I may press once a week, however just during the summer. I will be going to my old hairstylist and he is GREAT!! He uses very little heat or just the right amount. He is an expert!! so I should be in great hands!!

im glad he can help you!
my stylist does it the old fashion way LOTS of heat and NO protection.
I have moved on and found another stylist THANK GOD! Instead of presses i will get my hair flat iron. (not very often)
but im glad you found something that can work for you!
I personally don't think there is a difference - I think your hair grows the same, but I think the way you treat it may change dramatically. When I was relaxed, my hair was long and healthy, but I cut/trimmed it often, because the stylists would rollerset my hair and it took a LONG time. Everytime I moved from sitting under the dryer for 1 hour up to almost 2 it was DEFINITELY time to cut my hair (my time was ENTIRELY too precious for that nonsense). Now that I am natural - I don't apply heat, and I don't cut (just trim/dust every 6-9 months) - so my hair is growing quite well...

I agree with the poster who said that if you want to wear your hair straight a relaxer is the better way to go - the constant direct heat required to keep your hair straight when it is natural can be REALLY damaging!:burning: