Question for Msm users


New Member
How much do you take and what brand? Did you experience texture changes or faster growth? Side affects? Out of all the vitamins used for hair growth how important is it to you?
I laid off that stuff until I see my doctor.

I experienced breakouts on my face, I'm talking huge puss filled bumps /images/graemlins/frown.gif. I also experienced headaches, so I guess it's not for me. I'll just have to wait and see what my doc says.
Me too Crys. The headaches I only realized I was getting retroactively. My mother thought I was taking recreational drugs because the blemishes were getting so bad...LOL! I never get zits like that. And they were big. And hard. No little whiteheads. Full out acne. Nasty stuff.

I avoid that MSM like the plague now. Some women's hair TAKES OFF growth wise witht he addition of MSM. I wish I was one of the lucky ones that could take it.

Tracy, what should I do with that tub of MSM that I bought. It didn't come cheap either, I paid like $32 for it at the neighborhood health food store.

I wonder if I can put it in my conditioner or use as a final rinse in my hair. hmmmm????
I take brand MSM powder. 1/2 tsp has 2000 mg.
I take so much stuff, I'm not sure what is doing what. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif But I've read that MSM is good for circulation (I often have a stiff shoulder and neck from a car accident years ago.) and it decreases hair loss by making the hair growth cycle last longer. It's supposed to make new growth softer and not as dry. This is certainly true for me. Before I started taking the vitamins, my new growth was hard and rough. IMPOSSIBLE to comb! A week or two before a touch-up I could only wear my hair in a effed up bun. Within two months of starting the vitamins, my new growth was soft and easy to comb. It's even shiny! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I experienced breakouts for about 2-3 weeks. I thought it was the biotin...
I haven't noticed any texture changes, except my hair is softer like it was b/4 I relaxed and went back to natural. I don't take too much just 500 mg every 2 days with lots of water, too much givves me a headache. I buy from the health food store orange and white bottle.
Alot of women complain about break outs and headaches with using MSM. Others have offered the suggestion of increasing the amount of water you consume in order to prevent those responses to the MSM. Apparently MSM detoxes the body and the results can be the impurities being pushed to the surface of your skin. Some folks have continued to use it and continued to drink water and pretty soon they had no reaction to the MSM except increased hair growth.

I've been drinking 64 oz of water a day since 1994, so the water isn't the problem with me. I may have to take it every 2 days too.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Here are some good results from Monicurl, and then I have a post about a brand to avoid.

MSM Ratings

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Oh, Tara, I am so sorry!!! I never even saw your questions for me on the other thread /images/graemlins/blush.gif but thanks so much /images/graemlins/grin.gif!

Lemme first answer your questions--no, mine has no other ingredients listed, not even like what you'd find in something coated. It's so uncoated, you have to really drink water with it, or it gets stuck /images/graemlins/wink.gif.

I haven't felt "broken" since I began this work out dealy and I have been doing some stuff to really hurt these old bones and I give MSM all the credit.

As for the breakouts, yes, I had them too so I decreased the dosage, make sure I take it on an empty stomach and drink 2 full glasses of water with it, then another 8 during the day. My skin has cleared wonderfully and I'm even starting to look a lil' younger-hehehe.
As with anything you take, it's always good to consult your doctor. Mine gave me the go ahead and monitors me along the way.
MSM caused me to have serious breakouts on my face and upper back. I'm pretty sure that it was the MSM. I ran out of it and didn't get around to buying another bottle, and I noticed that I wasn't breaking out any more. I used to take 2/1000 mg tabs every day, so maybe taking one a day might work. I still haven't bought a new bottle as yet to test that idea.
Oh my goodness!

That explains it ALL! So glad this topic was brought up. I noticed that I was breaking out on my neck. I thought it was a stress rash (yes, there is a such thing as one), but now the headaches could be caused by it too?

Oh heezy. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I'm so glad you started this post. I was asking about MSM and was gonna by some tommorow. I will still try it however I think I'll buy the 500mil grams and cut it in half. I just got my skin to clear up using witch hazel and I don't want to go back to blemishes THANX /images/graemlins/grin.gif!
Peace and Blessings
I experience the same thing the Headaches got sooo bad that I could hardly do my work. As for my looked really bad to where people at work were asking me what was wrong with my face when they were use to seeing me with clear skin. And the bumps were just like yours just filled with puss so I stoped taking the MSM
<font color="blue">Hi Dionne!
I take 2600mg a day.2000mg of Prairie Naturals and 600mg in maxi hair. (wonder if that sounds like a lot)I've had no side affects. My face is zit free /images/graemlins/smile.gif
for the british msm users, what msm has given you the effects that monicurl describes (less wiry strands, increase in nail growth, and less pain from exercise)? I have tried the higher nature msm (for three months!) and the GNC msm powder (vile stuff) but to no avail. Could you all please give me a brand to try? /images/graemlins/blush.gif
I just popped open my msm capsule and the powder inside floated on top of water. That's a bad thing, right? Why? I looked at the ingredients and saw it had a few additives. Has anyone taken msm with additives (silica, stearate) and still gotten good effects? I'm only halfway thru my bottle (been taking for a month) but if I'm wasting my time I'm chucking it for something new.
I take Vitamin Shoppe MSM and each time I take them I get headaches /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif Any suggestions?
Hi Dionne,

I used to take the Natural Balance brand MSM, but now I take the powdered form of Doctor's Best. I've found that I have had dramatic changes to my hair, texture-wise with the addition of MSM. I put myself on a very high loading dose, and over time the curl pattern has become much straighter, softer, with a very nice sheen. However, as far as a higher luminosity, I know it was taking 2 capsules of the Natrol's Vegetal Silica daily that did it for me /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hey BronxDiva,

MSM cleans the toxins out of your system, and unfortunately headaches/breakouts, etc., is the side-effect. You might want to try a split-routine when taking your msm. For example if you take 1,000mg a day, you can take 500mg in the morning and 500mg in the afternoon or evening. This is what I did and made sure I took it with a meal or snack and drunk plenty of water also, when the headaches started to come on. Now I just take it on an empty stomach with no problems.

I have to agree with the majority, I've stopped taking my GNC msm vitamins because they were giving my horrible breakouts, and the thing is I drink way over 8 glasses of water a day! I also noticed that I was getting pimples on my back (which I have never experienced before), so I'm with Tracy-I'm avoiding it like the plague!
Hi SexyGyrlNY,

I used to take a loading dose of as much as 30,000mg daily with no unbearable problems. I took that much for health reasons to try and clear my system because my health wasn't up to par. I can honestly say msm to me has been like an oasis in the Sahara Desert /images/graemlins/smile.gif It's one of my top 5 main staples as far as supplementation is concerned. I'm sorry it has not worked as well for many of you as it has me, but the turn-around in my hair texture I know I could not have achieved if it had not been for MSM /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Wow!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif You can take it on an empty stomach! I assume that you drink lots of water when you do that also. Thanks Amethyst /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I take the TriMedica brand in powdered form. I heard its a good one. At a nutritionist store it was reccomended too. Its supposed to be a dextoxifier too (which is the reason I'm assuming for it possibly causing breakouts to detox via the skin). I used to take it in pill form but the tablets were too big and I needed to take too many for a good daily dosage. The powder is convenient since I just mix it with OJ in the mornings plus its a faster absorption rate via liquid instead of a pill/tablet that the body must first breakdown.

I've been taking it since last year summer, switching to powder form around the Fall of 2002. I have had more hair growth since taking supplements but I don't know if its from MSM or other supplements combined /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif All I know is I'll continue taking it as it's not had any adverse affects and is convenient to take.

I did get a severe breakout last summer but I think
that started before MSM. I actually suspect it was a supplement I was taking that had a tonne of iodine in it (which I've read can cause acne when taken in big doses).

I only take MSM with food. If not you get headaches and/or feel a bit giddy /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
It caused a my hair to flourish but like everyone else I look like a greasy pig with all of the pimples.