Question for MN users


Well-Known Member
I started using MN yesterday, I mixed it with Vatika oil but I'm not sure if I'm using enough. I think I'm going to start to use it alone. How much are you actually putting on your scalp and are you parting your hair really small and then applying the MN? If my scalp doesn't tingle does that mean I'm not using enough? I just want to make sure I'm doing this right so that I can actually benefit from it. Thanks
I apply mine as if I were greasing my scalp( I don't make tiny parts though) maybe six at the most and then i put some around my hair line. I apply every other day. When applying MN your scalp doesn't have to tingle. Trust me the product is working regardless:yep:
I apply it everyday. I make small parts and very small parts in the back where I had some breakage earlier this summer. I apply it like I am apply grease. I use it straight. I have not experienced any tingling or headaches. I have been using it for two weeks now. And yes, my hair is growing already.