Question for long term transitioners


New Member
After trying numerous products, I have finally found a product that works for my natural hair and relaxed hair ( I'm 34 weeks post btw). I have been washing with Wen fig, deep conditioning with Ojon restorative hair treatment, and following up with Ojon ultra hydrating conditioner. My breakage has completely stopped. My question is, did it take you a long time to find your staple products???
After trying numerous products, I have finally found a product that works for my natural hair and relaxed hair ( I'm 34 weeks post btw). I have been washing with Wen fig, deep conditioning with Ojon restorative hair treatment, and following up with Ojon ultra hydrating conditioner. My breakage has completely stopped. My question is, did it take you a long time to find your staple products???

Yes it has taken me forever but Ive just about figured it out now...I have the basics down now...and its almost been 11 months...:lachen:
, did it take you a long time to find your staple products???

Fortunately for the most part my staples have remained the same. I had to get rid of Nacidit Olive conditioner, but I think I could use it now at this point because I shampoo/dc in plaits, but I prefer other conditioners to it. I am trying to use stuff up in case they decide to stop working.
After trying numerous products, I have finally found a product that works for my natural hair and relaxed hair ( I'm 34 weeks post btw). I have been washing with Wen fig, deep conditioning with Ojon restorative hair treatment, and following up with Ojon ultra hydrating conditioner. My breakage has completely stopped. My question is, did it take you a long time to find your staple products???

Well I'm only 15 weeks post, but I think that I have found my staples in Ojon's product line as well. I use the Ojon Ultra Hydrating Shampoo and the Ultra Hydrating Conditioner. I use the Restorative Hair Treatment overnight as a pre-poo, and like you have noticed a huge drop in the amount of breakage. At first the scent of the Restorative Hair Treatment bothered me, it smells like ground coffee beans. But now that I've seen it in action, every time I smell it now I think of healthy hair. Refreshing! :yep: