Question for ladies wiho had great results with MN


Well-Known Member
I usually wear my hair in bantu knots and rarely comb it throughout the week.

Is MN more effective when used solely and applied to the scalp with your fingers?


as effective when mixed with oil and used from an applicator bottle?

is it ok to use MN days before a relaxer?

ummm i dont know... but if you think about it in terms of math
you can get MN in 2% or 4%. and when you mix it with anything other than MN, you're diluting it to something less than 2% or 4%. So... my guess would be LESS effective.

or another approach

MN: oxidizes cells and kills dermatophytes and stops the growth of fungi.

Oil on the scalp: depending on which oil you use, it could be moisturizing, could have anti fungal properties, could be stimulating.

so could mixing be double duty? or killing 2 birds with one stone?
What if you used MN either morning or night, and the oil either morning/night ?

Is there a doctor here who can shed some light on this one?? or a Chemist?