Question for ladies who wear braids


New Member
Hi Ladies, hope your hair journey is going well. I have a question for anyone who is currently wearing or has worn braids in the past an has found a way to deep condition while doing so. Well that's just it!!!! How does one deep condition their hair in braids, or can they for that matter? I have hear before that b/c the conditioner cannot be completly rinsed out with extension braids on the hair, it has the potential to do things:

1) if you are using a deep moisturising conditioner it can cause the hair to become TOO moisturised making the hair weak, and in turn, causing it to just break off.

2) if you are using a protien conditioner it can also be difficult to completely remove and can also cause breakage.

What has been your experience with this?
Have you ever Deep Cond. with braids?
And how did you do it?
What was your braid regime?

I am currently gearing up for my braids by making sure I don't miss my weekly deep conditioning. I also forgot to mention that I am 7 weeks post relaxer and have chosen not to relax for a while due to a patch in the back that has broken off out of the blue! It's not breaking anymore, under controll now, but still scared to put relaxer on it until I'm satisfied tha it's grown enuff to weather another relaxer. Is there anything I can do prior to braiding to minimize damage to my hair?

I know you ladies know your stuff so please chime in with your experiences!


I have never deep conditioned but I have done and still do a hot oil treatment with olive oil. I saturate my braids (concentrating on my scalp and the legnth of my real hair) with a mix of olive oil and a few drops of rosemary essential oil. I cover as best as I can with a plastic cap an sit under the dryer. I rinse under the shower and follow with my homemade braid spray.

I've never worn micros but I don't think it will work well with them. Ido this every 10 days and a couple days before I'm ready to take them out.

Well, I had my hair braided yesterday (Sengelese twist) and I prepped my hair prior to my appt. I washed, did protein treatment, then a deep conditioner.

I will be spraying a moisturizer on my braids daily, concentrating on the length of MY hair. I will wash my braids once, maybe twice, a week. I will take an attempt with the hot oil treatment and see how that work (scared it may cause the braids to slip out).

SimplyCee, what does your homemade spray consist of?

I never deep conditioned with braids. I never even washed my hair while in braids. I just used a daily spray moisturizer and kept my scalp clean and I found that my hair was VERY moisturizied when I took my braids down. HTH!
I wear braids a lot and I've never deep conditioned. I do a hot oil treatment with heat once a week and use a leave-in conditioner each time I wash or rinse. I usually wash once a week and rise with just water once a week. I also use African Pride braid sheen (the new kind with tea tree oil) everyday. I do a protein treatment and deep moisturizing conditioner when I take the braids out. I've had very good results doing this.
Well, I wear individual box braids often. My hair is long, so the extensions are usually tailbone length. I don't deep condition per se, but every time I take my braids out my hair is moist and in good health. I don't advise using conditioner at all. Here's what I do:

Wash my braids 2x per week with my favorite moisturizing poo CON for dry hair diluted
Apply a very generous amount of braid spray (I go through 1 full bottle per week)
Apply watery leave in (my fav is 911 extra dry)
On top of the braids only NOT the scalp, I apply Vonte Silk effects.

Every morning and every night, I use the leave in and braid spray.
At night, I cover my braids with a stocking.
On wash days ONLY is when I use the Vonte Silk Effects. I believe this helps my braids stay conditioned by sealing moisture from the spray/leave in. It's a pomade of some sort so too much can be really sticky.

This is really from crown & glory technique, but the Silk effects aides in sealing the moisture in the braids. I also had to find the best braid spray for my hair by testing different sprays before my hair was actually braided. The best by far for me is Dark & Lovely Naturals citrus braid spray.

I have dry, absorbent hair and the above works great for me.

When its time to take the braids out, I saturate my hair in olive oil, put a plastic cap on and leave it in over night. The next morning, the braids come out very easily and the natural hair is already pre conditioned.
Thanks for all the responses ladies. Your information was really helpful! I have been deep conditioning weekly in preparation for my braids. What is the best moisturising braid spray in your expeience? TIA.
championgurl said:
Hi Ladies, hope your hair journey is going well. I have a question for anyone who is currently wearing or has worn braids in the past an has found a way to deep condition while doing so. Well that's just it!!!! How does one deep condition their hair in braids, or can they for that matter? I have hear before that b/c the conditioner cannot be completly rinsed out with extension braids on the hair, it has the potential to do things:

1) if you are using a deep moisturising conditioner it can cause the hair to become TOO moisturised making the hair weak, and in turn, causing it to just break off.
2) if you are using a protien conditioner it can also be difficult to completely remove and can also cause breakage.

IS THIS TRUE :confused: There's such a thing as over moisturizing your hair?