Question for Ladies w/ Un-even Lengths...


Well-Known Member
As your hair grows longer are you more concerned with having an even length all the way around? If so, what measures have you taken to achieve this?

Since my hair is natural and I wear it un-straightened a majority of the time the fact that it falls at various lengths hasn't bothered me until recently; the shortest part of my bang falls at my mouth & my longest layer is brushing apl. :wallbash:

I'm looking for tips on how to grow out layers without hacking off chunks. What do you do to encourage short parts of your hair to catch up with longer sections?

I'm at about the same place as you are. I don't really wear my hair straightened either, but you can also tell when I wear twists/braids. I am just going to deal with it until I my shortest length (front bang area) gets at least to collar bone then I'll try trimming the rest slightly. I'm not talking about hacking away cause I don't mind layers but I'd like a less noticeable different.
See my sig. I only wear my hair straight one month out of the year, but the fact that I know that section is a little shorter than the rest of my hair makes me a bit self conscious. I don't really believe in growth aides so I don't think there's much I can do to "help" speed up growth. I do pay a little extra attention to that spot when I'm DCing or applying moisturizer so I won't experience any additional breakage.

Once I to full sl, I'll probably maintain there until the shorter section catches up.
my hair has been uneven for the longest, but taking biotin i think started to even up my hair. there is not as big a difference as before. Maybe its the fac that im constantly braiding my hair also.

When i big chop, im goin to make sure my hair is atleast shoulder length, just in case there is a blatent shorter part, and with a mini fro u cant do much to hid it, unless u wear weave/wig.
I am not natural yet, but I can relate to having uneven hair. A lot of people have encouraged me to cut it (even just a couple inches) to even it up. But maintaining blunt cut hair just isn't of my main concern right now. I need to focus on getting my hair healthy and strong, and to transition successfully. Unless my uneven hair is setting me back from my goal I really do not see what huge deal is. A lot of woman's hair grows uneven, why keep cutting it?
For me my right side was growing slower than my left I noticed I slept on my right side now i sleep on my back and have noticed my right side has caught up and is now thicker than the left side..go figure! (its not that much thicker but I noticed it)
As you can see from my siggy, I've got a lot of different lengths working. I'm relaxed so my hair is always straight; however, I generally wear buns. My goal is health + length and I'm 95% there on health.

Truthfully, since I bun 6+ days a week it doesn't bother me. Once I reach my goal, (which should be Dec 2011) I plan to start cutting 2 inches a year until the thin ends are gone. I know it drives folks crazy to see my thin ends, but for those who have to see those distractingly thin ends :spinning:..just turn away and it will lessen your pain. :yep:
I am less and less worried about it the longer my hair gets. my hair natrually grows in a v shape. And when it was shorter (sl and a bit longer) it didnt look right so I was constantly chopping to even it. But now that its longer (bsl) Im not really worried that much about it. It doesn't look as bad now. Im not going to even my hair until it gets to my goal next year (unless something cataclysmic happens and I HAVE to like see through ends or something)
I have been in denial that my left side is about .5" - 1" longer than the right side. I am sooooo ready to cut it even. I've been bunning daily and rocking twist outs BUT I would wear it straight if it were even. So why cut it? It's healthy, there are no splits AND there is no guarantee that the right side will grow back out at the same rate as the left side. My hair went from V shape, to U shape and is leaning toward a V shape again - so it's growing at different rates in different places. Who knew growing out layers would be such a pain!?! I'm just going to back away from the scissors and keep wearing styles that won't point out the obvious difference in the length. But once I reach full BSL - I'll cut the back even and work and maintaining a blunt cut on my way to MBL.

Divine have you had your natural hair shaped?
I am not natural yet, but I can relate to having uneven hair. A lot of people have encouraged me to cut it (even just a couple inches) to even it up. But maintaining blunt cut hair just isn't of my main concern right now. I need to focus on getting my hair healthy and strong, and to transition successfully. Unless my uneven hair is setting me back from my goal I really do not see what huge deal is. A lot of woman's hair grows uneven, why keep cutting it?

I'll have to agree with Nerd. My hair grows unevenly as well. The top/middle area is much thicker and grows much faster than the rest of my hair. I don't worry too much about evening out my hair. As long as its healthy and I don't have SSKs and splits, I can live with extreme layers :dork:
I am natural and my hair grows in layers. It has done this in every state. When it was relaxed, when it was locked and now natural. Hairdressers always comment on it and try to cut it to one legnth, but as soon as it starts growing even a little bit the layers are back.
Right now my shortest layer is to my chin when straight and longest is between sl and collar bone. I rarely wear my hair straight either and when I do I've just come to the conclusion that I'm probably never going to be able to wear a blunt cut for any amount of time.
As your hair grows longer are you more concerned with having an even length all the way around? If so, what measures have you taken to achieve this?

Since my hair is natural and I wear it un-straightened a majority of the time the fact that it falls at various lengths hasn't bothered me until recently; the shortest part of my bang falls at my mouth & my longest layer is brushing apl. :wallbash:

I'm looking for tips on how to grow out layers without hacking off chunks. What do you do to encourage short parts of your hair to catch up with longer sections?


I have uneven hair, it naturally grows in layers, longest in the back shortest in front, b/c of bangs growing out. I'm not going to even up my hair just to have even hair and loose progress. I have a touch of hair anorexia so I try to keep all the length I grow by any means necessary. When I straighten my hair just looks like a layered cut growing out so it's a little akward but not so much that I'll let someone cut off a year of progress. I'll trim it once I've passed goal by 2 inches that will land me right on point.
my hair in the back (middle) section breaks off very easily. i just noticed a lot of breakage and cut off a few inches. it's even, again. i'm gonna keep trimming/cutting until it's caught up and not relax or apply heat to that area. or at least a lower heat setting.
My hair is uneven but that's never bothered me. I think it's because shrinkage hides that fact and also wearing my hair in a style that lets it fall has never been my thing. Even when it was pressed, I preferred to wear it up.

If I were relaxed and my hair were straight and I wore it down, then I'd probably be more concerned about uniformity and getting it cut/shaped, or if I wore loose WNG styles, which I don't. Wearing a puff like MizzBrit's avi and previous siggy is more cup of tea. This is another reason why shrinkage is my friend.