Question for Ladies that Cowash Daily


Well-Known Member
Do you detangle your hair every time you cowash? I noticed if I don't detangle twice (once after putting conditioner in my hair, and then again after putting my leave-ins) my hair gets very tangled, and I have to cut out the knots :nono:. Its almost like my hair prefers being straight. I would love to rock my natural curl pattern, but all the detangling I do removes all the curls. I would like to increase my cowashing to 2-3 times a week, but I'm worried that detangling my hair too often will cause it to break. So my question is do you detangle your hair every time you cowash, and is there anyway I can preserve my curl pattern without gel.
This is a problem I'm having while transitioning. I don't know if it's the two textures or if it'll be easier once I take off the relaxed ends. Right now my nape area is completely naturAl and seems like a completely diff texture it does it's own thing. When I try to cowash my hair gets really tangled and I can't really detangle without something in it and the curls I have disappear too. I would like suggestions also.
I know you are going to get ask what type hair you have?? but some of us don't have to detangle once our hair gets wet... but co washing and not combing is what holds the curl and using a curl pudding... I use hairveda whipped creme and mixed chicks so depending on what type your hair is depends on what will work for you. But you can comb your hair while it's wet and leave it alone while it is drying.
I cowash almost every day. I do not comb my hair every day. I try only to detangle once a week. Between the detangle sessions, I finger comb to remove shed hairs and prevents knots.
if i co wash everyday then i detaingle everyday in the shower with conditioner in my hair. i never detaingle after i add leave in, or after i get out the shower for that matter. i think thats too much on your hair.
maybe you should detangle in the shower and then twist the hair in maybe 6 twists and then when you get out you can add your product to each section.
i detangle once a week on wash day with my fingers...if i cowash again during the week i dont detangle...detangle wet hair in the shower once with some condish if you think you need to, rinse some out with cool water, or rinse it all out and then apply your leave in, seal, do another light rinse and then shake your head (whip your hair back and forth lol...and side to side) and see if curls form and then just let air dry...
This happens to me also. It's all of my new growth from the last year, and it just gets knotted even if I do use my fingers. It's highly annoying. It's actually one of the contributing factors to me no longer cowashing very much. I went from 3-4 times a week (even 5 days when constantly working out during the summer, stupid AZ heat!) to about once or twice a week now.......