Question for Don'tSpeakDefeat


Well-Known Member
Question for Don\'tSpeakDefeat

Hi there!

I was browsing your photo album (very nice! BTW) and saw the instructions for your version of the "doughnut" bun.

I use a doughnut too. You said that you wrap yours with hair. How did you get the hair to stick to your hairigami/doughnut? I bought a weft and was thinking about setting the hair so that it would curl under, but I was wondering what you did.

Re: Question for Don\'tSpeakDefeat

Thanks Thursday Girl!
As I apply the hair to the donut I sort of overlap it with every wrap.

Let's see.. Wrap around once and on the next wrap position the hair over half over the previously wrapped section. Keep wrapping and overlapping until you have covered the entire bun. This way you can make sure none of the foam is peeking through the synthetic hair. After you finish wrapping you can just tuck the tail of the left over hair under one of the overlapped sections. I hope this makes sense if not I would be more than happy to answer any other questions.

Maybe I can do a better visual on how to wrap the hair around.
Re: Question for Don\'tSpeakDefeat

Makes sense
. Thanks!