Question for Curling Custard Users


New Member
I ordered the curling custard last Friday, I thought I would have gotten it by now, How long does it usually takes to receive it? Also I tried emailing them with no response, has anyone else had this problem? I'm so anxious to receive it, and I checked my account and they have taken out my payment, I also ordered the MTG and I got that Tuesday. I'm worried :confused: Please help
Where did you order the Curling Custard from? If you ordered it from might be an issue if they don't have it in-stock. I didn't have success w/them, it took them about 3 weeks to get it in so I cancelled my order and got it directly from It was very easy to cancel the order.

If you ordered directly from definitely should have gotten it by now) it's probably on the way already. Shelley's really good about sending out the tracking info and responding to emails. Since she's running the operation herself, it may be an issue (maybe she's on vacation?).
Thank you all for responding, I ordered mine from kinky curly also, I will be on the look out for it, hopefully it's on the way. Thanks
I just ordered some from Kinky-Curly....there were so many raves about the customer service! I figured it would take about a week though! Thanks for the post, good lookin' out.
Several months ago I ordered the Jojoba Jelly and spriral spritz--it didn't take that long---maybe just over a week. Also, she's mailing it from California so I would take distance into consideration
I bought my curling custard in LA--
It's worth the wait!!!