Question for Bun Wearers


Those of you that wear buns, do you take your hair down daily and comb through to the ends or do you leave it up and take it down at hair wash time?
TonicaG said:
Those of you that wear buns, do you take your hair down daily and comb through to the ends or do you leave it up and take it down at hair wash time?
I take my bun (or other protective style) down daily to comb my hair (through to the ends).
I take my hair down daily to release the tension from my hair being bound or pulled by the holder, combing is optional. If I rollerset (which I do for buns) I comb for the first few days, after that I 'arrange' it best I can w/o combing or brushing (less manipulation on hair that's getting dirtier and heavier by the day).
I agree w/ Sengs - I have to take my bun down daily to release the tension - I could NEVER sleep w/ an elsatic in my hair! :nono: I also comb through daily b/c I CO wash daily in the shower. :)
i take my bun down daily b/c i put pincurls in the tail part w/bobby pins. when i take it down i moisturize the ends, rewind it, secure w.a silk scrunchie, and tie it up with silk scarf.
When I wear a bun, I take it down to moisturize the ends only, then it's back up. I comb only when my hair is wet on wash days (every 3 days).
Since I don't know how to do my own hair (totally helpless here, people!) I either go to the hairdresser for my buns or I get a girlfriend to do it. I usually will keep my hair pinned for a week and a half... then I take it down, fluff it out, (I'll use a hair pick to do it- very little brushing) and wear an alligator clip on it for the next couple of days till it's time to get it done again (this is a 2 week time span). I've been doing it like this for years and my hair is in great shape.
I've kinda started my own personal little/no-malipulation challange.

I make a very loose bun and wear it for three days straight, then in the evening on the third or fourth day I shampoo with Creme of Nature, use detaling spray afterwards, comb out then back in the bun for another three days and repeat.

I do take the ends down carefully and moisturize them with grease or Keracare Jojoba Oil Moisturizer then back in the bun again. I sleep with my hair in a satin bonnet at night so that way when I take it off in the morning I can go on about my day. No combing, brushing or anything just less manipulation for me right now.
I take my hair down in the morning and in the evening to oil my ends and let my head rest. I only comb after washing, with conditioner still in my hair. Other than that, I only brush the front of my hair to smooth it down in the morning.
Isis said:
When I wear a bun, I take it down to moisturize the ends only, then it's back up. I comb only when my hair is wet on wash days (every 3 days).

Me too. I use only pins to hold my bun, therefore there is no "tension" and I simply take out the pins, moisturize the ends only and pin back up. I put a scarf over the bun at night and redo in morning -- about 30 seconds.
Neroli said:
Me too. I use only pins to hold my bun, therefore there is no "tension" and I simply take out the pins, moisturize the ends only and pin back up. I put a scarf over the bun at night and redo in morning -- about 30 seconds.

Please excuse my ignorance on hair care (lol, that's why I'm here :perplexed ).... but why would you have to take it down and moisturize the ends every day if it's worn in a bun? Seems to me that the ends would stay moisterized on their own. Just curious is all...
brownhaired_bonanza said:
Please excuse my ignorance on hair care (lol, that's why I'm here :perplexed ).... but why would you have to take it down and moisturize the ends every day if it's worn in a bun? Seems to me that the ends would stay moisterized on their own. Just curious is all...

IMO, relaxed hair generally loses moisture pretty rapidly because of chemical, particularly the ends which have been exposed to the chemicals the longest -- that is why relaxed ladies have difficult time RETAINING lenght. Our hair obviously grows by evidence of the thick new growth every month, however we LOSE lenght at the ends, which break off if they're not moisturized and generally pampered. I know my ends stay perpetually dry, especially the last 2 to 3 inches and my "daily mosture ritual" is to ensure they stay nice and smooth and to prevent breakage when I do get around to taking it down and combing. I have a horror that if I just leave it in there without a bit of pampering, when I take down, little 2 inch pieces will be all over my sink!

Perhaps you're right and there's no need if all bunned up, but I THINK I need extra every day, especially during colder winter months.
I think this one really depends on how thick your hair is. My hair is very fine and I know that it would break rrrrrrrrrrright off if I dared to leave a plastic band on my hair at night. So I just take it down, finger comb with my hands or comb lightly with a bone comb and tie it down with a scarf. In the morning, I try to manipulate as little as possible with a bone comb so that it will look neat and then call it a day.
TonicaG said:
Those of you that wear buns, do you take your hair down daily and comb through to the ends or do you leave it up and take it down at hair wash time?
I take my hair down but I don't comb through it. I wash and detangle, then in the morning I put it back in a bun.
I'm pretty much a consistent bun wearer. I usually take my hair down to moisturize daily....unless I'm feeling lazy, then I'll skip a day. :lol: I only comb my hair roots to the ends when necessary (ex: after oiling my scalp, before washing to remove loosed hairs). When I take my hair down to moisturize, I usually only finger comb. :)
Carlie said:
I'm pretty much a consistent bun wearer. I usually take my hair down to moisturize daily....unless I'm feeling lazy, then I'll skip a day. :lol: I only comb my hair roots to the ends when necessary (ex: after oiling my scalp, before washing to remove loosed hairs). When I take my hair down to moisturize, I usually only finger comb. :)
Same here... I re-moisturize with S-Curl and twist my hair back into a bun, secure with a Good Hair Days pin, and use a scrunchie or other accessory for decoration, but it sometimes depends on what type of bun I do too.

If I use a synthetic hair scrunchie to create a donut bun, I would use a fine tooth comb to smooth my hair over the scrunchie and secure with several bobby pins. :)
PhonyBaloney500 said:
Stupid question but why do you need to comb through your hair to the ends every day? :-/
Combing through your hair to the ends is probably just a preference for those who want their hair and bun to look nice and neat. I sometimes comb through my hair before putting it back into a bun because after sleeping on it, my hair will get messed up and tangled sometimes. If it looks okay, I'll just use my fingers to smooth my hair to ends and put it back into a bun. ;)
Lately I've been switching up among ponytail, tucked under ponytail, and bun. I use small elastics, small cotton ponytail holders, or big velvety scrunchies. I'd like to try a satin scrunchie but I would be afraid it would be slipping out all the time. Has anyone ever had that problem or am I worrying about nothing? Usually I only use the small elastics for ponytails that are up higher (the bigger ones tend to start to slide...). I would NEVER sleep in one of them. If I sleep with a scrunchie it will be a velvet one. They're really soft and don't break my hair.

If my hair was airdryed the last time I washed it, I don't comb it at all, only smooth with the brush when necessary. But lately I've ditched air drying because I was getting too much breakage (I'm deep into transitioning at this point), so since my hair is blowdried, I can comb/brush without hair falling out all over the place. I still don't bother with the comb too much unless I'm wearing my ponytail out, in which case I comb the ends so they look right.

I moisturize very very lightly twice a day. I've learned that taking it easy on the products helps keep hair looking nicer longer, and reduces breakage (at least for me).
I only comb on wash day. I do a braided bun though :)
And I use satin scrunchies and I do the baggie method so my ends are good.
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