Question - Breakage (wet bunning)


Active Member
I know that pulling the hair back while wet can cause breakage, but can it also cause breakage if it’s not pulled tight?

I am still suffering with breakage around my hairline; not a lot, but just enough to be very frustrating and it’s weird because when I pull my hair back I have about 3 inches of hair that is not breaking (from ear to ear) but to the left and right of that there is just a small portion on each side that is.

Now, I’m big for wet bunning, but I NEVER pull my hair tight when it’s wet so I don’t think it’s getting much tension; however, other than pulling hair back while wet, I’m not sure what else could be causing the breakage. Any ideas?

Should I not wet bun at all, or should I pull the front out for a bang and then wet bun? Anyone else having this problem? I also have the same problem with my nape. I have one small section that is breaking but the rest looks fine….can you say FRUSTRATING!!!!

I relaxed this weekend and I’m still on goal for reaching MBL by December, but I’d also like to have a nice hairline and nape too--J

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks ladies!