Question about white hair


Well-Known Member
So I have me a single white hair in my bang area. Really noticeable since I pull my hair back. I kind of like it. lol

The weird thing is it grew out my scalp white, but as it got longer only the end was white and the root is my natural hair color.

What's going on? Anyone experience that?
I get those too and dont know why. I hate when I pluck a white hair and root is black, makes me depressed.

In addition I also came in here for a big "NO YOU DIDNT" so I'm glad I'm not the only one jumping to conclusions lmfao
This happened to me once. When I really thought about it, I realized I had just started back up with CoQ10.
I get these once in a while--my bestie calls them my Benjamin Buttons! I have some greys that stay grey all the way through, but now and then these others...
Bout to come in here all social justice warrior! It clouded my thought processes and I read OP and was wondering if she just had one straight piece of hair :lol: never mind...
I get those all the time. Which is frustrating since I pluck grays. I hope a lot of the revert now that I'm doing Green smoothies.
I have these too, mostly in my crown area. It's weird because the middle of my strand will be silver then the root and ends will be my own color. Also on a few, the root or the end will be silver but the rest will be my regular hair color.
I figured that maybe for whatever reason when it was 'growing gray', I may have been deficient in B12 or something.
I do have trich though, and i used to pluck my hair out largely at the crown, so maybe I damaged something in the hair follicle that produces melanin in the hair from all the repeated plucking (don't know if that's how it works lol). I don't think this is the problem but it does make me wonder.
I have these too, mostly in my crown area. It's weird because the middle of my strand will be silver then the root and ends will be my own color. Also on a few, the root or the end will be silver but the rest will be my regular hair color.
I figured that maybe for whatever reason when it was 'growing gray', I may have been deficient in B12 or something.
I do have trich though, and i used to pluck my hair out largely at the crown, so maybe I damaged something in the hair follicle that produces melanin in the hair from all the repeated plucking (don't know if that's how it works lol). I don't think this is the problem but it does make me wonder.

Lmao. I've been around this board for years. Yall know I have never stirred up any drama. LOL. Now I kind of feel like I disappointed yall. :lachen::lachen:

I haven't had any changes in my diet.

I get these too. I look forward to when my hair truly starts turning grey to have a head of ICY white hair, lol. Does look like that will be so. As a matter of fact almost all the older people in my family have few greys.
Lmao. I've been around this board for years. Yall know I have never stirred up any drama. LOL. Now I kind of feel like I disappointed yall. :lachen::lachen:

I haven't had any changes in my diet.

I get these too. I look forward to when my hair truly starts turning grey to have a head of ICY white hair, lol. Does look like that will be so. As a matter of fact almost all the older people in my family have few greys.

Lol yes, you had us running in here lmfao

My mom started going grey in her teens. She was completely grey by 30 (never witnessed since she dyed it all the time). She taunted me since I was age 8 that I would go grey early too. I got my first greys at 22. I'm now... older :look: and have more greys but nothing like my mom was at... my current age :look:

Either way I would love to go grey gracefully however I don't think thats happening. looks like every time I think "I'm gonna stop dying!" Some a $$ hat makes a comment and I run for the dye lol
My DD had two white hairs growing in her left sideburn right in front of her ear when she was four. Around the time she turned ten those two hairs had dark roots and have since grown in in her regular dark brown color. I have no idea why.
I'm just glad I'm not the only one.I really thought I was going crazy first time I plucked a grey hair with black roots