question about vasaline treatment/challenge


During the 7 day challenge do you wash your hair as usual and reapply the vasaline at the end of your regime before you style or do you not wash your hair for 7 days?
Yes you can do that (your regular rouine) or if you prefer you can rinse your hair daily with a conditioner and then reapply the vaseline. I think everyone had different methods. But, according to the first post on that thread you could do it either way. When I tried it I rinsed everyday. hth.
I only wear braidouts and I was able to do the challenge. I didn't care for the greasiness of vaseline after a few days, so I switched to using carol's daughter healthy hair butter on my ends after washing and braiding my hair. My ends stayed really soft and healthy, I did that until the spring. My ends looked fantastic.
i've been doing this for a few years now. after washing my hair, i apply a moisturizer and then the vaseline. i braid my hair up and put it in a bun and do the baggie trick. the first night, i may take the baggie off to let my hair finish air drying. after that, i put my hair back up and don't bother it until i wash again the following week. i don't think there's a right or wrong way. it's all a personal preference. the reason i stopped messing with my hair during the week is because i've had an issue with excessive shedding for a while now.