Question About Transitioning

Karonica said:
Tigerlily, how long had you been transitioning?

I'm looking at your album and seeing you had a nice size fro, even after your big chop.

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I transitioned for a year. I had shoulder length hair and got tired off it and chopped it off the beginning of this month. I would loooove to have bra strap natural hair!!

My hair when straightened comes a little bit below my earlobe.
I transitioned for 19 months before deciding to get a texturizer. I believe that at that point I could have transitioned for as long as I wanted without major breakage because by month 19 a lot of the relaxed hair was gone-either cut or broken off. You will have breakage from the tangles while transitioning. There are only a few people that transition without the big chop, and they do not have breakage as this is an anomoly. I think during my transition, I lost about 4-5 inches thru cutting or breakage. The breakage was gradual over that 19 month period and not all at once so it wasn't that noticable. I however didn't accumulate a lot of length while transitioning due to the breakage cycle of the relaxed hair. In the end I had up to 8 inches of new hair but overall probably gained an extra 5 inches in actual length because of breaking / cutting off the relaxed ends. You must be very careful with your hair ehile tranitioning in this manner. the tangles while transitioning are no joke. Hope this helps.
Thanks again everyone! I think when I do decide to go natural, I will transition in a two step process. First from relaxed to texturized. And later on from texturized to natural.