Question About Transitioning


I wanted to know if it was possible to transition from relaxed hair that's midback length to natural midback length hair without chopping all the relaxed hair off.
You can transition but it may take a while. Also, you WILL have to cut off your relaxed ends eventually. Either you can cut it, or it'll eventually break off...but either way, it's going.

Alot of folks who transition just trim gradually until they trim all of the relaxed hair off and just have natural hair left.
Varies...the weakest point of the hair is where the natural hair ends and the relaxed hair begins. It really depends on the person and how well they take care of their hair. Could be one month, could be two years...just depends...
You will find yourself spending more time to preserve your relaxed hair once you have a substantial amount of newgrowth. I tried transitioning for 4 months, and the relaxed part broke off some (mainly because my hair kept tangling because of some product I was using and I had no patience to deal). In order to avoid suffering a lot of breakage, you're gonna have to take more time when detangling, etc.
Thanks tasha! She does have a great journal.

Do you all think it would be harder for me to transition for this long since I am a 4a/4b?
The more drastic the two textures are (newgrowth and permed hair), possibly. But it's not impossible. You should check out Bublnbrnsuga's journal. Definitely inspirational.
It'll be hard if you make it hard. I do think you're going to need a degree of patience to do so. I didn't have the patience to deal with four hair textures (yes 4 including the relaxed hair) and so I big chopped and I haven't looked back since.
Okay. I'm sorry to bother ya'll. I'm not even transitioning now and won't be for quite a while. But I thought I would pick everybody's brains so I will have good suggestions for when it is time for me to transition.

Karonica could you post the link for Bublnbrnsuga's journal please?

By the way Patience I really love your hair. What is your hair type? And have you ever flat twisted your hair and taken it out for a spiral look? If so, how did it look? Thank you
ricamorena03 said:
By the way Patience I really love your hair. What is your hair type? And have you ever flat twisted your hair and taken it out for a spiral look? If so, how did it look? Thank you

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Thanks! As for my hair type...I don't know. I just know that it's wavy in front, curly in the middle and partly straight and wavy in the back. I have done twistouts (I think that's what you're referring to) and it was okay..but I didn't care too much for it. I like it better when I do a shake and go puff...I get to see spirals all over the place then...
dang Patience....

I just looked at your album ( i know im slow) and your flat twists are the bomb!! i WISH i had them skills and i WISH my hair would look like that in twists *sigh* ....very pretty girl
Karonica said:
The more drastic the two textures are (newgrowth and permed hair), possibly. But it's not impossible. You should check out Bublnbrnsuga's journal. Definitely inspirational.

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I agree. I had planned to transition longer than I did, but the two textures were too hard to deal with. My relaxed hair ended up breaking off more than I had planned, so I just chopped.
I transitioned with midback relaxer hair for a year (I just relaxed my hair last night). Here are my suggestions:

~Conditioner washes work the best

~Detangle in the shower

~Do not let it air dry "freely". If you are airdrying, try putting your hair in 2 ponytails.

Good Luck. YOu can do it! I will try to do it again though.
Irresistible said:
dang Patience....

I just looked at your album ( i know im slow) and your flat twists are the bomb!! i WISH i had them skills and i WISH my hair would look like that in twists *sigh* ....very pretty girl

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Thanks! Girl, it just takes some practice and patience. You can do it!
cocoa2122 said:
Karonica said:
The more drastic the two textures are (newgrowth and permed hair), possibly. But it's not impossible. You should check out Bublnbrnsuga's journal. Definitely inspirational.

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I agree. I had planned to transition longer than I did, but the two textures were too hard to deal with. My relaxed hair ended up breaking off more than I had planned, so I just chopped.

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I did the same thing. My hair before BC was shoulder length, but I got tired of dealing with the relaxed, breaking hair.
Tigerlily, how long had you been transitioning?

I'm looking at your album and seeing you had a nice size fro, even after your big chop.
That sounds like a 4 year transition!
I don't know anyone who has ever transitioned that long, especially with drastic differences in texture.
I've gone 10 1/2 months without relaxing and without trimming. My hair was past the shoulders but not at brastrap. This weekend I'm planning on taking some pictures so I can post them. I don't know when I'm planning on trimming.

Hijack: And, patience, I'm mad at ya. Do you have a rubber band around each of those twists? Is that how they stay twisted down? I really thought I was doing something wrong when my twists wouldn't stay on TOP but were sideways, but now I see that's how they are supposed to look. Has your album been in your signature the whole time? If so, I'm slow.

Edited to add: How do you all get your hair to go in a curve??????? I am too style-challenged.
GodMadeMePretty said:
Hijack: And, patience, I'm mad at ya. Do you have a rubber band around each of those twists? Is that how they stay twisted down? I really thought I was doing something wrong when my twists wouldn't stay on TOP but were sideways, but now I see that's how they are supposed to look. Has your album been in your signature the whole time? If so, I'm slow.

Edited to add: How do you all get your hair to go in a curve??????? I am too style-challenged.

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Gurl, you're a mess. I DON'T use rubber bands with my twists. I did that ONE time and this guy said that I remindeed him of the Power Puff Girls. After that, no more rubber bands. I twist them all the way to the end and then clip it with a click-clack-clamp to keep it tight and flat until I'm done with the rest. When I'm done, I take the click-clacks loose and then use my scarf to gather my hair into a puff. I mist it, take a loose the twists and pick up and out and then use my hands to make it look even. After that, I throw some earrings and gloss and go!

As for the parts, I just play around with it. I usually have a style in my head first (I have a vivid imagination) and then I try to see if I can make it happen. Sometimes I can, most times,I can't but I keep trying until I can if I really like that style. I also use the end of a rattail comb to do my parts.
ricamorena03 said:
I wanted to know if it was possible to transition from relaxed hair that's midback length to natural midback length hair without chopping all the relaxed hair off.

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I'm pretty sure it's possible. That's what I'm doing. There's several others doing so as well.

Just a question...would u consider doing the Big Chop? Why or why not?
Poohbear I personally wouldn't do the big chop but that is only because I have a big head and short hair doesn't look good on me.