QUESTION?? About Taking Supplements & Such!!


New Member
Does anyone know the answer to this? When you take supplements such as vitamins, protein shakes, carrot juice or whatever does it just affect the newly grown hair (newgrowth) coming out of your head or does it travel down the length of your hair, in other words does it contribute from root to tip??
PrincessDiva said:
Just your new growth...Hair is dead so any nourishing to already grown hair would have to be external...Hope this helps!!

ITA... then this happened! :mad:


I don't have any explanation and this doesn't happen to everybody. Just something weird with me and silica I guess. :confused: Now I'm more careful with my supplements, because I don't believe that they can't travel down the shaft. My totally uneducated guess is that silica (or whatever your body turns it into) is secreted from the scalp and travels down the shaft like sebum coating like a topical. My hair started to feel coated with something slick soon after I started taking it (so did my skin).

ETA: I've completely stopped taking it and my hair has not recurlled, even my new growth is still growing out straighter. :cry:
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