question about stretching a relaxer


New Member
Why do you stretch your relaxer? I have never used a relaxer and im not planning to :) but i am curious about this...what would be the problem if you relax every 6 weeks or so? Is it because of the chemicals (scalp) or because of washing the relaxer out that goes down to the ends also? And damages the ends more...
Really don't know...dont wanna sound stupid:nono:

From my understanding, stretching a relaxer helps our hair to be healthier in the long run and also gives it a rest from the constant chemical treatments. By prolonging the period in between relaxers, it gives the hair a chance to accumulate more growth at the line of demarcation (the line where the new growth and relaxed hair meet). This decreases the risk of overlapping the chemicals onto the already relaxed hair and prevents it from being overprocessed. Some people also claim that their hair becomes thicker and stronger from stretching because of less chemical treatments. Hope this helped. I'm sure somebody will add to this.
It seems to me that a lot of women stretch their relaxers so that when they relax there is a lower chance of getting the relaxer on already processed hair. I know when I was younger I got my relaxers so close together there had to be overlapping and overprocessing of my hair leading to breakage. Then when I hit college out of convenience I stretched relaxers and I noticed my hair was finally retaining more length. I am no longer relaxed but I hope that helped.
I think a lot of people stretch to prevent overprocessing the hair by overlapping. If your hair is growing at 1/2" a month, within 8 weeks you'll have 1" of new growth.

The longer you wait, the more new growth you'll have to relax, say 2-3" by waiting a couple extra months and you'll likely not overlap onto the relaxed hair. This helps to retain the length of the hair.

Also, many people want to use chemicals in the hair as less as possible and I'm sure there are other reasons.
For me also I like the added thickness that stretching gives me. My hair is alot thicker because now I wait 3-4 months to relax oppose to wait 4 - 6 weeks like I was before. This is because like the ladies said before, little to no overlaping, breakage, overprocessing, and sheading.