Question about shedding


New Member
Hello all. I'm a newbie to the board and hoping to get some advice.
There was a post sometime ago about seasonal shedding and I wanted to know, is the shedding caused by the actual weather change or does this happen regardless of the climate?
I ask this because I typically loose about 1/8 of my strands (which is a LOT) in October but I am moving to Southern Africa in September, right before the cold weather hits.
What do you guys think. Will I still go through my usual shedding? Or will I skip that trauma this year?
It seems intuitive that I won't loose any hair but I just wanted to get some opinions.
Is that you in your avatar??? Beautiful hair!!

I always thought shedding couldnt be prevented. I know some people on here go through their shedding phase in the summer. I experience mine in the winter
. I think its inevitable. Hopefully others will chime in!

Oh yea Welcome to LHCF
Thanks pink flower, yes that is me in my avatar.

In that case I guess I better work on some kind of regimen for when October comes.
I'm not really sure, I know for my hair, it only really sheds during season changes. Once that's over and the weather is consistent, my hair sheds very little. I don't know if its due to the actual temperature and climate change or if it just sheds every four or five months because it's time. (ie: the life span of the hair strands)