Question about rollerwrapping/newgrowth?


New Member
When you rollerset do you put anything like oil or moisturizer on your new growth? I ask because I have been rollerwrapping my hair and I like the way it turns out but my newgrowth is so dry that when I wrap my hair it is hard to comb/brush (wide tooth). I am 7 weeks post. I am trying to minimize direct heat but this is frustrating. What are your suggestions
Before I use to flat iron, i used ORS Olive Oil Cream, it really softened the new growth and made it easy to wrap after the set. I did start to notice build up though after a while...
I use the hollywood beauty carrot oil or the NTM Silk touch to soften my roots. I used to use PCJ NewGro Hairdress which was great but it does contain petroleum (but even still I would recommend it over the others)
I condition my roots seperately. In the shower, I apply Keracare Dry and Itchy Scalp on my scalp and roots and Humecto on my ends. WHen I set and dry, my hair, roots and scalp are always soft and easy to wrap when dry...IM a 4a/b.

To get them straight without heat, you can try ponytail rollersetting (lonei and pocahontas have pics in their albums). It get the roots straighter and then you can wrap to get rid of the ponytail marks :D
I have to agree that the ponytail rollersetting would be good for new growth. I did one this past weekend after doing a regular rollerset before that. In the back, I always have a hard time rolling it taut so its usually pretty thick in the back. But after the ponytail rollerset it felt like I was only 2 weeks post relaxer versus 4 or 5.
Thanks so much for answering my post ladies. So do I put the moisturizers on my hair while wet before I rollerset? Do I part my hair in sections as if I am greasing my scalp? For the ponytail method, how many ponytails would I need to make? My hair is shoulder length.
lonei said:
Before I use to flat iron, i used ORS Olive Oil Cream, it really softened the new growth and made it easy to wrap after the set. I did start to notice build up though after a while...[/QUOT

Your hair grew so beautifully...what is your daily regimen