Question about resurection ???


New Member
I am just wondering when Jesus died it was on the third day that his body was said to be missing, as he rose from the dead. Earlier in the book of Luke, he said that God is the God of the living (the good and the saved)and not the dead so there is such a thing as resurection. My question is that does that mean if we were to bury someone who is dead and years later someone was to go back to there coffin and that person's skelton was still there that they were not saved or good? I know this may sound like a dumb question but I always thought your soul was to either live or die, but Jesus's soul and body rose and I know that his body was to be proof that he was the Son of God but is that to say our bodies would just stay dead? :look:
I don't understand what you're asking? Jesus was killed and then lived again-ok got it.

Now you're asking why aren't WE resurrected?
I am asking if those who are to go to heaven, wouldn't we know if they went to heaven if we redug up there bodies and saw that there bodies are missing just like Jesus's?

Since God is the God of the living he brings the good back to life right? And the dead just stay dead?
tatje said:
I am asking if those who are to go to heaven, wouldn't we know if they went to heaven if we redug up there bodies and saw that there bodies are missing just like Jesus's?

Since God is the God of the living he brings the good back to life right? And the dead just stay dead?
Hmm, I don't know if I could explain this so you'd understand, but I'd encourgae you to read Revelations. It says what happens to us when we die, and when Jesus comes back what will happen to us (living and dead).

Now, what about God bringing folks back to life? I don't know what this is reference to.
tatje said:
I am just wondering when Jesus died it was on the third day that his body was said to be missing, as he rose from the dead. Earlier in the book of Luke, he said that God is the God of the living (the good and the saved)and not the dead so there is such a thing as resurection. My question is that does that mean if we were to bury someone who is dead and years later someone was to go back to there coffin and that person's skelton was still there that they were not saved or good? I know this may sound like a dumb question but I always thought your soul was to either live or die, but Jesus's soul and body rose and I know that his body was to be proof that he was the Son of God but is that to say our bodies would just stay dead? :look:

Good questions,
It does not mean that they are not saved or good or bad.
Jesus resurrection in the flesh was to prove that he was alive again to his disciples. They would not have seen him in the spirit form. Remember where he was first seen near the burial tomb by Mary Madgelene ?He was the first person ever to have been resurrected to go to heaven. There were other resurrections mentioned of those who were brought back alive on the earth but they died again. Prior to this, Genesis tells us that from dust you are to dust you will return. All of mankind that dies returns back to the ground. That is why they can go to any grave and dig up old bones for a second autops etc.... Flesh and Blood can not enter into the heavens only the spirit. Also notice that the bible does not say what happened to the fleshly body that Jesus had. He had a new body after he was resurected it was not the same one. Remember further in the reading that they recognized his voice but they didn't readily recognize him in appearance. He had to showe Thomas the holes in the palms of his hands has proof that he was Jesus.
I hope that this makes sense to you. If not PM me.


Finding someone's bones in their caskets or tombs does not mean they were saved or not saved. You have to know first and foremost that it's the soul that is saved, not the flesh. The flesh is our body that the soul lives in. Every soul will live after the body has breathe it's last breath, it's just a matter of where it will live...Heaven or Hell. Heaven if you believe with all your heart/being that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died and rose again and if you confess this to God. Hell if you don't believe. You say that Jesus' bones weren't in the tomb, and you're absolutely correct. The day that Jesus comes back (I suggest also reading I Thessalonians 4:1 and on) the dead who are in Christ (meaning the saved ones) will rise first (I'm taking that it means their bones because in II Corinthians 5:6-8 while at home in the body we are absent from the Lord verse 8 states we are present with the Lord if we're absent from the body meaning our souls are gone from the body) and the rest of the saved living people will meet Him in the air. Hopefully this helps. Are you a new Christian?
Thank you very much for helping me understand. This is my first time trying to read the entire bible and I started with the new testament because to me I thought it was important to know Jesus's word before anyone else's. Then I would work my way to the old testament. I just finished Luke so now I'm moving on. I just wanted to say thank you for the understanding. :kiss:

Good questions,
It does not mean that they are not saved or good or bad.
Jesus resurrection in the flesh was to prove that he was alive again to his disciples. They would not have seen him in the spirit form. Remember where he was first seen near the burial tomb by Mary Madgelene ?He was the first person ever to have been resurrected to go to heaven. There were other resurrections mentioned of those who were brought back alive on the earth but they died again. Prior to this, Genesis tells us that from dust you are to dust you will return. All of mankind that dies returns back to the ground. That is why they can go to any grave and dig up old bones for a second autops etc.... Flesh and Blood can not enter into the heavens only the spirit. Also notice that the bible does not say what happened to the fleshly body that Jesus had. He had a new body after he was resurected it was not the same one. Remember further in the reading that they recognized his voice but they didn't readily recognize him in appearance. He had to showe Thomas the holes in the palms of his hands has proof that he was Jesus.
I hope that this makes sense to you. If not PM me.

Thank you for helping me to understand. I always thought your soul lived until judgement day. I am not a new Christian. I am confused about a lot of things, but I do put my faith in God for understanding. I have a lot of reading to do, and I haven't gotten to Cori or Thes. Thanks for the help. :)

free2bnita said:

Finding someone's bones in their caskets or tombs does not mean they were saved or not saved. You have to know first and foremost that it's the soul that is saved, not the flesh. The flesh is our body that the soul lives in. Every soul will live after the body has breathe it's last breath, it's just a matter of where it will live...Heaven or Hell. Heaven if you believe with all your heart/being that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died and rose again and if you confess this to God. Hell if you don't believe. You say that Jesus' bones weren't in the tomb, and you're absolutely correct. The day that Jesus comes back (I suggest also reading I Thessalonians 4:1 and on) the dead who are in Christ (meaning the saved ones) will rise first (I'm taking that it means their bones because in II Corinthians 5:6-8 while at home in the body we are absent from the Lord verse 8 states we are present with the Lord if we're absent from the body meaning our souls are gone from the body) and the rest of the saved living people will meet Him in the air. Hopefully this helps. Are you a new Christian?
God Bless you, Tatje...I know how hard it is in the beginning of your walk to try to understand the scriptures, so its really good that you are asking and sharing what is in your heart.

Thank you for understanding.

All Glory to God!

Nice & Wavy said:
God Bless you, Tatje...I know how hard it is in the beginning of your walk to try to understand the scriptures, so its really good that you are asking and sharing what is in your heart.

tatje said:
Thank you for helping me to understand. I always thought your soul lived until judgement day. I am not a new Christian. I am confused about a lot of things, but I do put my faith in God for understanding. I have a lot of reading to do, and I haven't gotten to Cori or Thes. Thanks for the help. :)

Tate, God bless you and you're more than welcomed. I see that you are trying to read and understand. That's my hearts cry, to know and understand the Word. What really helped me was to read the Word chronologically. There is a paper back Bible that does this. It's amazing what it unfolds. It's called NIV Daily Bible (Harvets House Publishers). Never give up read it for it's context and that will help alot.