Question About Post Partum Hair Loss


Well-Known Member
The search function isn't working for me right now and I'm sure this has been discussed before.

After the birth of your child, are you losing thickness or length? My hair was pretty thick pre-pregnancy and I'm sooo close to my goal length I'd hate to lose it as soon I get it.

Am I worrying over nothing?
The post partum shedding after childbirth is the hair that should have shed during pregnancy, but b/c of high hormones level the hair cycle changes and doesn't shed as much.

Most people only lose thickness as the shedding hair comes out. I've know people to also say they got bald spots, but I'm wondering if it was b/c of harsh hair treatment, as this is not the time for "tight" braids etc.

Dermatologists will tell you to be very gentle with the hair during this time and don't comb it as much.

Your length should stay the same/or not be affected, just thinner hair (which might make you want to cut???? Everyone is different) I know one member on this site (Lauren450) still has beautiful, THICK,& LONG hair after her post partum. Check out her album.

The post partum shedding after childbirth is the hair that should have shed during pregnancy, but b/c of high hormones level the hair cycle changes and doesn't shed as much.

Most people only lose thickness as the shedding hair comes out. I've know people to also say they got bald spots, but I'm wondering if it was b/c of harsh hair treatment, as this is not the time for "tight" braids etc.

Dermatologists will tell you to be very gentle with the hair during this time and don't comb it as much.

Your length should stay the same/or not be affected, just thinner hair (which might make you want to cut???? Everyone is different) I know one member on this site (Lauren450) still has beautiful, THICK,& LONG hair after her post partum. Check out her album.

Thank You so much for answering!
I think my strategy will be to continue taking prenatal vits. post partum and more diligent use of the BT. The hairstyle I've been wearing most is twists that I do myself. I'll be checking out Lauren 450's album.
I lost thickness. I had TONS of hair during both of my pregnancies and my hair grew like crazy too but I never lost the length (well, I lost it at my own hands from cutting...LOL). The thickness subsides:yep:. I wasn't even really taking great care of my hair either during my pregnancies and it was still pretty healthy.
I lost thickness too and had hair loss in the temples. The temple area eventually filled in. I currently suffer from hair anorexia even though I maintained my length. :whyme:
I lost thickness and my temples were gone. The shedding lasted about 3 months (heavy) and another month of light shedding. My temples started filling in by month 4 or so.
I lost thickness and my temples were gone. The shedding lasted about 3 months (heavy) and another month of light shedding. My temples started filling in by month 4 or so.

My sis lost thickness and also around her temples/edges...she ended up cutting her hair (permed at the time) to a low natural cut and has been natural ever since