Question about perms and relaxer


Well-Known Member
I am having a dilemma. I grew out my perm about 6 years ago when I was 16. Now I just go to the shop about once a month to get a wash and press and try to manage my hair the best I can in between visits. Lately, this has been bothering me because I have noticed my hair is not as long as it used to be when I had a perm. (FYI: The reason I stopped getting perms is because I had to go so often or else my hair would break off, and the last time I got a touch up my hair came out in BIG CLUMPS, and I also wanted my natural texture back even though the continuous straightening takes away the elasticity regardless) My hair is very thick and hard to manage and its becoming difficult for me to maintain my length. But it seems as though a majority of the people I see who have very long hair [and a hair type similar to mine] on this forum also have a relaxer/perm.

So my question is, would me getting a light perm on my hair be a bad turn for me or should I try to remain natural???
I relax my hair with a mild relaxer now and my hair is alot stronger and it is growing. I have no doubt I will be APL or better in 2009. It's really a tough thing for anyone else to answer for you because it is such a personal decision to relax or not. There are plenty of LHCF ladies with very long hair who are natural and just as many who relax. I think most of all it's about the care you give your hair that determines if you retain length. Natural women have hair needs and us relaxed girls have ours too. I think it's really gonna come down to what you really want. If you do decide to relax make sure you really moisturize alot, get enough protein (maybe henna) and stretch your relaxers at least 8 to 10 weeks apart.

Please do alot of research before you make your decision because I would hate for you to regret anything.

Good luck!!!
I think it's important to figure out how to solve your hair issues now before you get a relaxer. Relaxing has all of its own issues that are difficult to deal with themselves. I think you should work on moisturizing, DC'ing, and retention now in order to get your regimen down. After that, then think about getting a relaxer if things still aren't working for you.

Here are some links that may help:

favorite stickies-has newcomer's guide to starting out and other helpful threads

naturals that straighten

The naturals that straighten thread may be really helpful. You can have healthy straightened natural hair and gain length...just ask Pinkskates (and many others). It's important to make sure your hair has enough protein and moisture before you straighten as well as a great heat protectant.

Hope this helps!