Question About Oils....


Active Member
I've been noticing on the board how there are ladies that are using different kinds of oils for their hair. What I'd like to know is if the oils are more for the hair versus the scalp or both.

(I've been using a mixture if Vitamin E oil and tea tree oil on my scalp while I have micros installed. My scalp seems to love it to peices :grin:. Should I have been using something other than oils?)

I've noticed a lot of ladies here are using coconut oil and also doing something that I still need to look up called "sealing"... So, are such oils like coconut oil more for strands or scalp???

Any and all replies will be greatly appreciated.
I've used most of my Oils as a prepoo & i mix them in with my conditioners.... Some ladies use oils to seal in the moisture they've placed on the hair after washing. But just depending on your hair & it's needs you can use it on strands and/or the scalp.....
I just read a great thread here about oils...anyone remember it?? Lots of info about which oils penetrate/which do not, etc....
I always use my oils for both hair and scalp

'sealing' is the belief that when you moisturize first , you seal the moisture in with oil after

I personally oil dunno about 'sealing'