Question about Oil/Water Mixes


New Member
Hello.... I'm looking for understanding about oil and water mixtures (with other products of choice, e.g., conditioner, EOs, etc.). I understand that water is the source for moisture and oil basically acts as a sealant for that moisture. But then as I read about different approaches to maximize moisture (I'm transitiong from relaxer to natural), it's not clear to me how the oil/water mixture works if it's mixed together versus the water and oil applied separately (water first, then oil of choice)....

What's the benefit of the water/oil (and other products according to preference) mixture versus just layering the products?

I hope I asked my question clearly.... Thanks in advance for your responses!
That's a good question. I have been wondering the same thing. I don't know if one way is better than the other but I prefer to apply the moisture and oil seperately because that way I know that the moisture is being sealed in and not sealed out. I feel like if the water and oil are mixed together, the oil may seal out the moisture before it has a chance to penetrate my hair. Probably not true, but I like applying the two seperately just in case.
I have always used oil as a moisture sealant on wet hair. I didn't do this so much as a transitioner, but then again my transition was really short. Once I BC'ed I got into the habit of applying oil to my wet/ damp hair and layering the product or leave in over that. I have cut back on my oil application. I do so about 2-3 times per week now.

Essential oils work differently than carrier oils. Have you checked out Motown Girls site? She has some really good info on using EO's and how to mix them.
I add oil to my water/conditioner/oil mix becausse it helps with shine and it just makes the mix better.

Water mixed make my hair dull but when I add the oils it makes it shiny and smooth.

I still use oils to seal the moisture in though

Trust me, when you add oils to the mix it doesn't block out moisture or anything. I don't know how it why but it works out perfectly!