question about naturals and roller sets


New Member
me and my roommate are trying to get a full lucious curl going on in her hair.
she is a natural sort of 3c/4a...
so we were going to blow dry with a heat protectant, then spray some kind of holding spray/ gel/ pomade, then set on rollers, then sit under the dryer.
for the holding portion, what products do you folks recommend? her hair is very thick, and we are trying to get the curls to hold for a day. they usually fall.
when i was natural I used to use white girl hair spray :perplexed i know now that its a nono. so suggestions please.
I would try some sort of setting lotion like lottabody or some type of holding cream.

Why are you blowdrying before you set on rollers?
we did that b/c her hair is so wavy that its not straight when she comes out of the dryer on the rollers. its just wavy and going in the direction of the rollers lol. and the shrinkage is out of control.
we did that b/c her hair is so wavy that its not straight when she comes out of the dryer on the rollers. its just wavy and going in the direction of the rollers lol. and the shrinkage is out of control.

The issue is her technique. Togt straight results, you have to make sure that your hair is very wet as you set it. If the hair is dry it will not set straight.
do you use a holding cream? what kind?

I use Sunsilk waves and curls (might not be the exact name) for twist outs but not for rollersets. If I'm going for curly sets I'll use a setting lotion.

The issue is her technique. Togt straight results, you have to make sure that your hair is very wet as you set it. If the hair is dry it will not set straight.

Yep, I agree. The hair should be wet when you set and it should be completely dry before you take the rollers out.