Question about my Job (long)


Well-Known Member
I have a question. I love what I do very much its what I enjoy doing. But most importantly. I asked God for that job over and over. I asked that I get a job without interviewing and at a certain salary. In fact I said exactly what I wanted to start at 18 dollars in hour. I did not know at the time that the job paid more then that. I thought that was high for a non-graduate. I found out later that they wanted to pay me more and would have if I had asked. You know I was upset when I found out about it. Anyway. God answered my prayers in that order he gave me a job I did not have to interview for and starting at that salary. I also prayed that it was a job that I could do well. Which it is. I can do my job very well and I have learned to do even more since. I have been there since 1998. I have a new manager she has been my manager for about 6 months. I worked for her 6 months before she became my manager and then all I could say was thank God I do not report to her. Then they said I reported to her. She is low on the totem pole as far as title and she is black. I have to meet with her every week and talk. She talks to the other team members to find out scoop about me She chases them down and when there is no problem she pushes until she finds one. She likes to say I am only helping you. But I was doing fine before you came. Now I am nervous all the time and making more mistakes they are all minor mistakes that are made into big deals, I have anxiety, I hate coming into work. Mind you I am in admin. I answer the phones. screen calls take message, type letters, file ( my desk only) copy, pay bills. Pay outside counsel bills. do expense reports. make copies of those and send them on (ontime) order supplies for them. Order cell phones pay their cable bills from home, travel arrangment, chauffuer service with two or sometimes three countries. set up meetings not just here in the us but uk too!. I also do consultant agreements and advisory board agreement 60 or more a week sometimes and there is so much to do with them as well, Its to complicated to explain. I do all this every single day for three people and sometmes they ask me to do it for others. Is it possible to have a small clerical error in there? Also manage calendars schedule meetings with food included. I could go on and on that is my day at work. Then to hear oh you made a mistake on a meeting message( I corrected it of course) but she is only interested in the mistake. SHe asked that I think about it and write a message to her explaining how I can avoid making mistakes in the future. My question. God answered my prayers would I be walking away from a blessing from God to leave my position? I could tell you all the perps the company offers but really I am getting sick physically from the stress of trying not to make a mistake. Finding out that they find them when there is none. HELP!!!!! sorry its long but I alway do long anyway.
I am in a similar situation where every error is documented and made to look like a big deal. I have begun praying before going to work and at work for the Lord to help me not to make mistakes. This has really worked. It will come to me that I forgot to do so and so, go back and check such and such. My errors have been reduced. Is the environment less stressful, I don't think so. But I know that God will get me through this and I will soon adjust to the nick picking some think is representative of a good employee. Same for you. Try praying that you will be more observant to the small stuff. God will move your boss when he is ready. Don't let the devil run you away from a job that is serving your needs financially and has good benefits.
I don't think you would be running away from a blessing. Even though God blessed you with that job, does not mean that he wants you to be miserable. If you decided to get another job, I am sure God will bless you with an even better one then you have now.
dicapr said:
I am in a similar situation where every error is documented and made to look like a big deal. I have begun praying before going to work and at work for the Lord to help me not to make mistakes. This has really worked. It will come to me that I forgot to do so and so, go back and check such and such. My errors have been reduced. Is the environment less stressful, I don't think so. But I know that God will get me through this and I will soon adjust to the nick picking some think is representative of a good employee. Same for you. Try praying that you will be more observant to the small stuff. God will move your boss when he is ready. Don't let the devil run you away from a job that is serving your needs financially and has good benefits.
THank you Dicapr, I will consider all this, I pray all the time about this situation and how better to handle things I got the feeling that they are trying to get rid of me. I listen to the bible every day and I listen to spiritual music I like doing that so its not a show or anything like that I want to make sure I hear the word everyday so I listen to the bible on CD what a wonderful thing to do. But inside I have a lot of growing to do I am emotionally a wreck. I get so angry instead of trusting God in that moment I blow up. Bite my tongue. THank you for sharing your story with me.
kally said:
I don't think you would be running away from a blessing. Even though God blessed you with that job, does not mean that he wants you to be miserable. If you decided to get another job, I am sure God will bless you with an even better one then you have now.

THank You Kally, I was thinking that there was something he was trying to teach me and I was just not getting it. You know and He gave me a job that I asked for and he doesn't give you just anything but then they always say be careful what you ask for. I am miserable and physically ill. I hate to leave it but I am at a lost to figure out what to do.