Question about Minoxidil, please help.


New Member
I'm thinking about trying minoxidil, I have done a search on this and there is some useful and interesting info on it but I still have a few questions for those of you who have used it or who are still using it. Firstly have you had any increased growth from using it? and if so, how much more growth than usual? Do you use it straight or can it be mixed with essental oils.... etc?
I've read it can be very drying on the scalp so I think i'd need to use something with it to combat this, but I don't want to mix it and then it not work properly or cause some kind of bad reaction and all my hair fall out!!!?
Also is it safe to use the 5%? I've read that some women have had excess facial hair growth from using minoxidil and I don't want to grow a beard! Then again, if I grow a beard AND grow long, long hair at least I might reach bra strap by the end of the year and, I could always just shave the beard off HA,HA,HA (only joking)

No seriously, I know it's a lot of questions but I realy want to get to APL by
the end of summer. I have about 2" to go. Thanks
:wave: Unless you're balding or have bald spots you want to fill-in, I wouldn't use Minoxidil. It works well to produce growth where there is none, but if you stop using it, you lose the hair that it caused you to grow :eek:. If you want to speed up your growth rate, I've read that taking MSM will help. Check out this site. It's a site about hairloss but there is some helpful info regarding MSM.

Also, many ladies on this site swear by using products like MTG, Miconazole Nitrate, or Surge. Good luck. :)
If you want to speed up your growth rate L-cystein is supposed to be a good amino acid/supplement. Do a search on it and you will find some threads about it and women proclaiming that it did speed up their hair growh. I am thinking about adding this to my vitamin regimen. I wouldn't definitely try the Minoxidil either b/c I heard the same thing about hair falling out after it is no longer being used.;)
nikkipoo said:
If you want to speed up your growth rate L-cystein is supposed to be a good amino acid/supplement. Do a search on it and you will find some threads about it and women proclaiming that it did speed up their hair growh. I am thinking about adding this to my vitamin regimen. I wouldn't definitely try the Minoxidil either b/c I heard the same thing about hair falling out after it is no longer being used.;)

Yup, that's the same thing that happened to me.
Thanks ladies for your replies, i'm already using MTG and Miconazole Nitrate but I think I'll try adding L-Cystein to the other vits I take, hopefuly this will make a difference. I think i'll forget about the Minoxidil. Although some ladies do use it eventhough they are not balding but just to speed up hair growth I don't want all my new growth to fall out, it's taken me toooo long to get this far for me to risk that happening. Thanks for the advice.