Question about hair under half-wig/wig


New Member
I have been wearing half-wigs on and off, for a few years. My hair grows when I wear the wigs 80% of the time. I usually wear my hair in a pinned up bun underneath the wig. Before I put the wig on however, i put on a processing cap and a wig cap over that, to prevent any damage (nice way to baggy!).

Even though my hair grows with wigs, I'm wondering if it would grow faster if I wore cornrows instead of the bun underneath? Do you think wearing cornrows will increase my growth? Has anyone alternated between buns and cornrows under their half-wigs, to be able to comment on which method promotes the most growth?
It depends on if the way u are wearing ur hair under wigs is causing too much tangling...if it aint broke dont try n fix it...

I think cornrows are ok...I usually just wear 4 big plaits on my wigs....too lazy to put in cornrows...

If u do decide to do cornrows make sure u are not doing them tooooo tight!!
Thanks, SB! You're right; it ain't broke, so I'll leave it alone. The bun is working fine for me. It doesn't cause tangling, but it does shed a bit because I don't comb my hair every day.
I prefer cornow's underneath. They keep your hair more protected and avoid any tangling. Also keeps the ends protected, IMO...
Cornrows won't make your hair grow faster. But, it was easier for me to wear my hair that way under my wigs.

Also, shedding is completely normal and it's not due to you wearing buns. It happens everyday anyway, regardless of the style you wear so I wouldn't worry about it.
Right now I have my hair in medium sized box braids to wear under my half wig. It has worked really well for me for 2 reasons.
Transitioning- Love to rub new growth, the box braids allow me to see it closely and play in it and inspect if I want to without really disturbing anything.
Washing, Conditioning moisturizing - I can do a really good job because my scalp is sectioned off already.
I have been wearing wigs for a long time however I like to wear lace fronts and not half wigs..But , that doesnt really matter. Anyway, I dont think either method is better than the other. I personally just like to wear my hair in a pony underneath so I can baggy throughout the day and DC better twice a week. This is has worked for me for years....well I wasnt baggying prior LHCF...LOL
I agree, I don't think cornrows will grow your hair more than any other style. As long as your bun isn't too tight or causing breakage, I say do whatever is easiest for you and keeps your hair protected and limits manipulation.
I usually wear cornrows underneath mine so I don't have to worry with my natural hair. I usually keep them in for a month at a time. I'm still able to wash 2x a week and moisturize with my spray bottle daily. But I don't think one is better than the other. Just do what works best for you!! ;)