You're right, I have questions as well. I posted this scripture you mentioned from I Corinthians 5, above. In addition to Luke 16 which suggests there is a 'holding place' for our souls until Jesus comes.
I really want the other ladies in here with this topic as there are three (3) theories which I have heard from several ministers and other Christian denominations.
No matter which one, I personally may lean to, it does not declare me as being accurate. It's still a theory based on my personal interpretation of what I've learned and understand from God's word. This subject needs the input of all of us.
Here are the three theories.
1. We sleep
2. We go meet the Lord
3. "Paradise" - a holding place where our souls remain until Jesus returns.
Here are Bible Notes for Theory #2:
Remember when Jesus was on the cross and after he said, "It is finished"? The word of God then says, He gave up the ghost (his soul).
Now, His soul did not go immediately to Heaven. There was a process taking place for our salvation, as Jesus was going through the entire redemption process of reclaiming our souls for God.
To sum things up, after He died, His soul went to hell, in place of ours and then He lead captivity captive (interpreted as the previous souls who died prior to Jesus who were in a 'holding place."
More of the process:
After His ressurection, Jesus met Mary at the grave site that He arose from. When she saw Him and reached out, Jesus said to her, "Handle me not, for I have not gone to my Father."
Quick Summary: From the cross, to the grave, to hell, earth and then Heaven.
Jesus had to present Himself to God the Father after the process of His death to present the Blood that was the atonement for our sins. This is why Mary could not touch Him. The atonement Jesus made for our sins, had to be declared acceptable by God the Father.
In Hebrew law, when one of its members was cast out; he could not be in contact with another human until he was declared clean by the Priest.
Now because of Jesus, we have all been made clean and presentable to God the Father. This indicates that our souls do go directly to Heaven when we die.
However, the Bible is still not very clear if indeed we do go directly to Heaven when we die. The question is still out there on this theory. Which then brings us to theory #3, a 'holding place.'
I'm reluctant to post more, because I really need the other ladies in here with this. I will only say that I lean more towards Theories #1 and #2.
Theory #3 deems true because it was prior to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Ladies where are you? Get in here and please share....
I do not have the answers...only theories.