Question About Fotki.....


New Member
It figures, hunh? :ohwell:

I just opened up a FOTKI account and I'm trying to make my album password protected so only members of this board can view my albums ( by getting my PW from my profile).

But for some reason, when I click on the link to my album in my post, it takes me right into my album.... Is there something I am not doing right? Can someone please chime in with some tips?

TIA. :)

I think I know what you mean, you are questioning why it doesn't make you enter a password. If so, its b/c its your account. Try logging out of fotki and accessing your should then be prompted.
Before you actually click to open up your album, underneath are a few links. You have to click on "edit properties" (the link underneath your album) and when it opens up you can then type in a password in the "access password" field. The reason that you are getting that message is because you are signed in and once you click on your account, it will automatically open for you since you are owner of the account even if you have a password set. HTH. :)[font=&quot] [/font]