Question about colorshowers....


Well-Known Member
Do you like the new formula? (I know Eisani... I know lol) But I wanted to know for my sister. She has BSL length graying relaxed hair. She's entrusting me with her hair and I want to do what's best for it. I mentioned henna and she said she's interested but doesn't know if she'll like the copper colored gray when she's so used to the "midnight black" hair color. What would you recommend that's gentle that won't dry out or ravish her 3c/4a hair?

If she wants black hair then she can do a henna and then indigo treatment (right after each other). It will make her hair jet black.

FYI...I'm a bit of a premature grayer and henna makes my gray strands gold
I have a few strands and the jamilla turns them copper. I love the look. She thinks it's pretty but her hair has more gray. I just don't want the color to shock her.