Question about Castor Oil


Well-Known Member
Well, I finally bought some Castor Oil yesterday! I'm trying to use it to thicken up my fine hair since a lot of ladies have experienced good things with it. This is one product I have never tried.

But my question is: Is castor oil supposed to be that sticky and gooey?? Because I used it for the first time this morning, but I was afraid to put a lot of it on my scalp and hair because it was sooo sticky. I only put a little bit. Plus, castor oil is one elusive little product because I went to like 4 different stores yesterday looking for the PURE oil (not just hair grease/cream with castor oil in it) before I finally found it in the stomach aisle of CVS. :lol: I hope I got the right type. :look:

Also, one last question.... Does castor oil actually MAKE your hair (the hair growing out of your scalp) thicker/stronger/grow longer, or does it just give you the "appearance" of thicker hair? Which is it?? I hope it's the former... :ohwell:

Any answers/experiences would be great! :)
Yup, castor oil is supposed to be thick/gooey, and a little goes a looong way. I don't think it can change the physical structure of your hair permanently, but it will help the appearance and feel of thicker hair by sealing in moisture on poreous strands.
Because it is so thick I use it with another oil like Jobobo Oil which thins it out some and I use it on my ends more than anywhere else. I also put it in my homemade moisturezer spray and in my conditioners.
Because it is so thick I use it with another oil like Jobobo Oil which thins it out some and I use it on my ends more than anywhere else. I also put it in my homemade moisturezer spray and in my conditioners. you're not really supposed to put it on your scalp?? :look:

I suppose putting it on the ends of fine textured hair would help to seal the ends and help them not succumb to humidity as much?
It sounds like you bought the right kind. :yep: Castor Oil is very thick, which is why I mix it w/ thinner oils, sometimes. My hair has become thicker, but I use henna, too.
Where did you find the essential castor oil? I have the creme-based one and I actually had to cook it down and combine it with Jojoba oil (I'm a chemistry minor) to get the consistency I wanted...what a time consumer!
Where did you find the essential castor oil? I have the creme-based one and I actually had to cook it down and combine it with Jojoba oil (I'm a chemistry minor) to get the consistency I wanted...what a time consumer!

I found mine in the digestive aid aisle of a drug store. Its near the mineral oil.
I had issues with the stickiness too. I tried mixing it with other stuff but I find it has this strong nutty scent that I just can't seem to get used to.
I find the stickiness wears off after a while. If I castor up at night and the stickiness is gone by the morning.
Heating it can thin the castor oil out. I tend to do that when I want to use it straight...which I havent done in a long time
Because it is so thick I use it with another oil like Jobobo Oil which thins it out some and I use it on my ends more than anywhere else. I also put it in my homemade moisturezer spray and in my conditioners.

Yeah, I add a little camellia, meadowfoam, or ricebran oil to my castor. I use it on my hair everday now, in additon to using it as a prepoo, for oil rinses, added to conditioners, and of course to seal in my moisture. I love it.