Queen Helene Cholesterol??


New Member
My hair was in need of desperate moisture and I applied this after a wash w/ Loreals Nourishing shampoo. I slept w/ a plastic cap and rinsed out this morning and my hair was ok, I definitely didnt have the tangle problem. But as I was overlooking the ingredients I read it contained Mineral oil and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Why would a conditioner have a stripping agent like SLS? Does anyone use this product? Should I discontinue use? I dont know what to do, I want a conditioner to provide moisture not rob me of it.
sls is diffenetly a cheaper product so most companies use it in their products as well as mineral oil. if this product u are using does not reap the benefits u thaught it would u should diffinently use another product.if it is in your budget and u are looking for moisture try keracare humecto great moistirizer or if u want something with some prtein that will not leave your hair too moisturizex try nexxus hummectress.no i do not use this cholesterol I use lekair cholesterol which is around the same price as the queen helene