Quantity over quality?

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We spend A LOT of money on our hair, but when do you draw the line? I know a lot of women here will not buy Viviscal or WGO because of the cost but you will spend just about the same to find or make a cheaper alternative. When do you sacrifice quality for quantity? For me it's Wanakee, (as I just mentioned in another thread). I won't spend $25 for shampoo and conditioner and $10 for gel. Even though they are just about worth it because I can't find a cheaper alternative that works the same. That is a splurge item to me. It will NEVER be a part of my monthly budget. When do you cross the line?

Editing to add: Conversely, when you do you allow yourself to splurge? I know I would never normally buy a $6 leave in, but Surge works too well not to. I buy two or three at a time whenever I find it.
I will not choose quantity over quality if I find a product that works for me. Mind you, I don't have excessively expensive products, but when I find something that I like, I will budget for it if it is pricey. Like I wanted to try the Nexxus line and I usually use Ion. I got the Nexxus, but if I don't see a big difference, then I will go back to my tried and true, Ion (which isn't the cheapest anyway).
I splurge to reward myself.
. A splurge for me would be one of those nice ceramic flat irons ($100 +)
I think that will be my reward when I reach my 2nd hair goal.
I usually buy what works for my hair. - expensive or inexpensive. And expensive doesn't necessarily mean quality.

Nexxus costs more but it works consistently great for my hair so I'll continue to buy it. Constant Care for Ends (Wanakee) and Aveda works especially well for me also. I feel I'm saving money by purchasing only what works. Once in a while, I'll buy a new item to experiment.
Quality over quantity any day -- if a product performs well on my hair, I will buy and budget for it. I LOVE LOVE nexxus products which I discovered 15 years ago when I was in highschool and difinitely could not afford -- my mother, father, aunts, friends, etc. had to subsidize my nexxus addiction for years (all through high school, college and law school!) Anywho, I've been using nexxus consistently for years because it works -- I think I save waaay more money in the long run 'cause not running all around spending $$$ on this and that (I DO flirt with other brands, but very very selectively and never in excess, I always return to nexxus).

I do have other stuff, like suave and vo5 for condition washes, I've tried aphogee protein and found emergencee to be far far superior; I like AO GPB equally as much as I like keraphix; I have NEVA found a moisturizing conditioner as good as humectress for my hair, period. I have NEVA found a moisturizing shampoo as good as therapee, period. I like giovanni direct leave in a lot, but headdress is a notch above it, IMO. I could go on and on comparing my nexxus favorites to other stuff, but for me, it outperforms them all, hands down and my hair just looks and behaves fabulous when I use it -- that is worth quite a bit to me . . .
I'll spend more for a quality product rather than buy a bunch of non-quality products...for MY hair. For example, regular suave conditioners do not work on my hair but they are 99 cents. Unfortunately, I have to buy the conditioners that are $3 or $4 for a good result on my hair but I accept that. I'd rather have my hair look nice than like crap. Kudos to those who can use Suave though!
Def. quality or quantity. That doesn't mean that because a product is an expensive salon brand that it is "quality".
I'm defintely for quality -- for my hair -- the product might be cheap or expensive. I'll never buy something just for the price, though
On a contrary, I like to be on the safe side so I try making my own body and hair care products. Who knows your hair better than you?
HoneyRockette said:
Would you try an expensive product for the first time?

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Yes, if the ingredients were impressive! I'd go by ingredient over raves any day. I purchased Kenra Intensive Moisturizing conditioner? (may have the name wrong) based on the awesome list of ingredients as well as raves. It was very very good, but still not as good as my beloved humectress - which, I'm happy to note is cheaper than kenra . . .
I do have a line I guess.... somewhere...
. I'm not sure that I've actually met it, b/c I just popped a Vivi on the way to work and we won't discuss the dollars I've spent of Phyto, Aveda and other salon quality products. If it's worth it and works for me I'll buy it and continue to do so. For me it's quality certainly over quantity. But my cheap Nacidit and even some Nature's Gate conds. give all of that salon stuff a run for it's money, so that's changed my view. I no longer think the cost of the conditioner is indicitive of it's awesome effect on my hair. I don't know what would be a hair splurge, b/c I'm a PJ... it's a constant state of being I think
If it's cheap and it works, no problemo. The problem with me, I rarely venture out and experiment with products over 10 bucks (unless it's a pack of weave
) because I've never had problems using finding inexpensive products that work great on my hair.

That being said, I decided to give Aveda Scalp Remedy a try. It's 11 bucks - definitely not something I'd normally buy, but I wanted to try it anyway since I wanted to go in the store.
Needless to say, it looks like I'll be going back to pick up this product once I run out.
Hmmm...I may even try their shampoo for scalp probs too.

One week, no ridiculous itchies.
Thanks Dolce Dawn, and whoever else that was who recommended it.
I refuse to use anything other than drugstore products for my CO washes(VO5 and Suave). I'd spend money on shampoo and conditioners too heavy for CO washes though because they won't run out as fast since I don't wash with shampoo very often.
I will choose quality everytime. Unfotunately my hair seems to love expensive products. When I buy cheaper products and they don't work I just end up buying more products in search of something that does work. I probably spend as much money (if not more) buying a ton of cheaper products as I do buying a few expensive ones.
I probably spend as much money (if not more) buying a ton of cheaper products as I do buying a few expensive ones.

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That seems to be the common problem amongst a lot of black women I know, (on this board and in real life).
Karonica- I'm so glad the Aveda is working for you! You're welcome!!!

To answer your question, HR, I also choose quality over quantity, but that has only been the case as of recent. I bought Salon Selectives for YEARS and never w/o a coupon (lol)! But KeraCare has broken that spell it had on me and I will never go back. Actually, it started when my sis and I went to the Aveda store and she bought some poo and cond. I figured I didn't want to leave empty handed so I bought the Scalp remedy. Well, I was pleased w/all three prods (my sis let me use hers) and I got spoiled.

I buy my higher end prods, but I still look for and use coupons (lol...what can I say? I love Ulta & Trade Secret)!I splurged on my ceramic iron and getting my hair colored, but draw the line at spending money on gettin my hair permed by anyone else. (Too expensive IMO).
Isis said:
I usually buy what works for my hair. - expensive or inexpensive. And expensive doesn't necessarily mean quality.

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Same here. Besides.....I'm worth it.
HoneyRockette said:
Would you try an expensive product for the first time?

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i wouldn't. i always ask for samples before i buy anything. if the company wont send me samples, then i just will never use the product. like aveda, redken, and tigi bedhead products, i will never try them because those companies wont send me samples.

i prefer quality over quanity. i've learned the hard way that the cheap lil products dont usually work that well and have harsher ingredients than the more expensive ones. the only somewhat expensive line i use is Nexxus, and i usually try to get them when they are on sale somewhere to avoid spending too much.. but i can understand not wanting to pay $10, $20 for a 4oz jar of something. never will i ever do somethin like that..
I choose quality as well. I have found my hair responds so much better to say, nexxus and design essentials as opposed to motions,etc. Now I did use motions for a while and was happy with it, UNTIL I tried DE and then Nexxus which I equally love both! Also, it is cheaper in the long run to pay a little more for a quality line u know works as opposed to buying a new line every week trying to find results u like.

One thing I kind of think is I paid 25 for the liter size of both Nexxus Therappe and humectress together....its really cheaper than buying the NTM line, which is nice but should be a little cheaper IMHO!
thanks for the heads up on the Kenra! I have been contemplating buying that but now that u say that u like humectress better, I wont bother and stick with that! It has been my best conditioner ever so far.
HoneyRockette said:
I probably spend as much money (if not more) buying a ton of cheaper products as I do buying a few expensive ones.

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That seems to be the common problem amongst a lot of black women I know, (on this board and in real life).

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Soooo true! I prefer quality over quantity and have no problem trying an expensive line. As long as I buy it from a salon I can always take it back so no biggie. Even if not I want my hair to look the best it can so I'll try it. But if I find something that is equal in performance both long and short term then of course I'll go with the cheaper product. I'll pay good money for fly braids and weaves but I prefer to do my own relaxers and wash n sets because I think I am more gentle with my own hair. So bottom line whatever it costs I go for it as long as it is good for my hair.
Allandra said:
Isis said:
I usually buy what works for my hair. - expensive or inexpensive. And expensive doesn't necessarily mean quality.

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Same here. Besides.....I'm worth it.

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I agree.
Tene said:
Quality is more important then quanity, cheap products do nothing for my hair.

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You are so right!!!!
I will only spend $$$'s on a hair product that will out perform another hair product exceptionaly on my hair .The only product that I can think of that is in this league is Dudly's creme press to protect my hair from heat appliances. Other than that, I'm sure I can find inexpensive hair products that can keep my hair healthy in my opinion.
HoneyRockette said:
Would you try an expensive product for the first time?

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I just ordered a 3 month supply of Viviscal, so yes. I'm still looking for that supplement to boost my growth rate along with Surge. I'm excited to try the Surge scalp treatment that's NOT water based.

However, I'VE GIVEN UP on finding a miracle conditioner that'll make detangling my relaxed hair a breeze. For example, directly after a touchup, my hair is easy to comb roots to ends while I'm at the shampoo bowl with water running through it. As soon as I sit up and the water is turned off, the strands all grab each other and snarl the comb, and the shampoo girl starts to complain.

No more expensive conditioners or detanglers for me. I'll just keep rotating through my old ones and trying various techniquees to avoid tangles (i.e. washing in braided sections, waiting til hair is just damp to comb it, preconditioning before each wash).
I'll splurge if it something all you ladies have come to a consensus on (that's how I found Kenra MC). I am also way more likly to splurge on shampoos and conditioners than on moisturizers. Where I've skimped--I've been wanting to try the Phytorelaxer forever now, and I still haven't coughed up the dough
. Soon, though!
megonw said:
HoneyRockette said:
Would you try an expensive product for the first time?

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I just ordered a 3 month supply of Viviscal, so yes. I'm still looking for that supplement to boost my growth rate along with Surge. I'm excited to try the Surge scalp treatment that's NOT water based.

However, I'VE GIVEN UP on finding a miracle conditioner that'll make detangling my relaxed hair a breeze. For example, directly after a touchup, my hair is easy too comb roots to ends while I'm at the shampoo bowl with water running through it. As soon as I sit up and the water is turned off, the strands all grab each other and snarl the comb, and the shampoo girl starts to complain.

No more expensive conditioners or detanglers for me. I'll just keep rotating through my old ones and trying various techniquees to avoid tangles (i.e. washing in braided sections, waiting til hair is just damp to comb it, preconditioning before each wash).

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Megon, back when i used to comb my hair wet I had the EXACT SAME problem. I have had wash girls have to trade off cause their arms were getting tired, then there would be a HUGE clump of hair in the sink. I want to recommend one product to you- Biolage Ultra Hydrating Balm- if you haven't already tried it.
Ths was the only thing that kept my hair so slippery that the comb would run thru it even if I hadn't been just relaxed. Its pricey, so i would reccomend getting the smallest size at first but it's worth the try.
abinna-I'm really beginning to think we are hair twins. That product works miracles for me also. You may wanna try Lafier Lanolina Rinse. It works just like the Biolage on my tangles.
I also choose quality over quantity. My friend thinks I am nuts for spending 22 bucks on some federic fekkai conditioner when she thinks you can just go to walgreens and any old conditioner will work. Ah I don't think so. I use products because they have proven to work well with my hair and texture. I use some products from NTM and they are inexpensive and serve a purpose as well. Basically it depends on what works for you and not someone else.
Thankfully my hair likes cheap products, with exception to my shea a mango butters all my products cost under 4 bucks