Qhemet Biologics: Amla & Olive Oil Cream


Well-Known Member
Does ANYBODY know where I can get this now? I've had this product for about 2 years and it didn't work for me as a natural head. Now that I've texlaxed it works WONDERS on my curls but I've run out and everything on the site is out of stock! :wallbash: If not the actual cream, a close 2nd? Please any suggestions you may have!
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That's where I looked but unfortunately everything is out of stock. Guess I'll just have to wait. Thanks for responding
if you want to travel to DC there is a store there you can get it from. the location is on the qhemet site and then you can map quest the directions. thats where i got my stuff from when the sale was taking too long.
The products will actually be back in stock soon on the Qhemet website....she just marked them OOS until she gets all her orders shipped out from the big sale she just had
A sale just ended so the seller from qhemet said that everything will appear out of stock online until every order from the sale is shipped out.
You can get it off line if there is a store close to you. You can look on the website.